If you think you're computer might be infected there are a number of steps you can take to determine if it is. If you have questions you may contact the
Technology HelpDesk by submitting a ticket at www.bsu.edu/helpdesk,
calling 765-285-1517, or stopping by the Tech Center in BL 101.
Some Ways a Computer May Become Infected
- Responding to a phishing email
- Failing to keep your antivirus and spyware up-to-date
- Clicking on a malicious Web site link
- Using or connecting portable devices that aren't yours
- Not disabling your Web browser's function to automatically run scripts
Signs a Computer is Infected
- It begins to run slowly
- Firewall is asking permission to allow unknown programs access to the Internet
- Task manager indicates 100% utilization
- Unknown processes and programs at Start Up
- Policy changes were made without your knowledge
- Some programs no longer work
- You begin to get pop-ups
- There are visible configuration changes
Possible Steps to Disinfect
- First, remove your computer from network (unplug it)
- If still using XP, turn off the system restore
- Clean out the temporary files
- Run spyware and ad-aware programs
- Run your anti-virus against your hard drive
- Reconnect to the network
- Turn on system restore if running XP
- Change all passwords and monitor your accounts, especially financial accounts