Phase 4: Infrastructure Development
This phase occurs once the framework for a new budget model has been developed and a decision has been made to move forward with implementation.
This phase provides crucial time to develop supporting infrastructure to operationalize the budget model. It is recommended that the University integrate additional data periods into the new model to assess financial trends over time.
Additionally, developing and implementing tools, reports, and governance structures to support the model and continuing to build awareness and understanding on the new methodology will enhance the ability for the University to operationalize the model and prepare for the parallel process.
Ball state anticipates that this phase will occur over a four-month period and may extend into the 5th phase.
Phase 5: Parallel Process
During the parallel process, the current incremental budget model is used, while the new incentive-based budget model is run in parallel.
The purpose of this process is to assess the impacts that decisions have on the new model and provide a window with which to make minor adjustments to the model to address any unforeseen consequences. Having a year to transition to a new model allows leadership (both academic and administrative) to be better prepared for the true go-live for the new model.
Ball State anticipates that this phase will occur over a 12-month period.