Governance Kick-Off Discussion PowerPoint

Budget Model Governance

September 9, 2019

During the implementation phase, the University has put into place a new governance structure to assist with the annual budget process. This structure is composed of three standing committees: 1) Budget Executive Committee, 2) Support Unit Allocations Committee, and 3) Space Management and Deferred Maintenance Committee. Download the presentation (PDF).

Budget Model PowerPoint Slide

Academic Affairs Budget Model Update Open Forum

September 9, 2019

Since the last Huron update in June, this Open Forum focused on the next phase of implementation of the budget model and how it directly relates to academic affairs. Download the presentation (PDF).

Central Unit Leadership Presentation

Central Unity Leadership Presentation

June 6, 2019

Huron covered information such as the budget initiative’s timelines, select model components, governance and process, and best practices for support unit budget presentations. Download the presentation (PDF).

Dean's Retreat Summary cover

Dean's Retreat Summary

March 19, 2019

Huron facilitated a Budget Redesign Retreat with all Deans and the Budget Redesign Steering Committee to refresh the group on why Ball State is undertaking the effort, provide a summary of work to date, and conduct a thorough walkthrough of the proposed model methodology. Download the summary (PDF).

Campus Open Forum presentation cover

Campus Open Forum

February 27, 2019

As part of ongoing efforts for communication on this important initiative, President Mearns and Steering Committee Co-Chairs Susana Rivera-Mills and Sue Hodges Moore, and Huron reviewed the overall project timeline, provided an overview of budget model alternatives, previewed model development components, and answered questions. Download the presentation (PDF).