Dr. Kevin Nolan

Dr. Kevin Nolan, Ph.D., RPA - Director and Senior Archaeologist

Prehistoric Archaeology, CRM, GIS, Ohio River Valley, Paleoenvironments, Soil Geochemistry, Geophysics

Christine Thompson

Christine Thompson, MA, MBA, RPA - Assistant Director and Archaeologist

Precontact and Historic Archaeology, CRM, Glacial Kame, NAGPRA, Tribal Consultation, Historic Battlefield Investigation, Preservation, and Interpretations


Hannah Ryker

Hannah Ryker, MA -Assistant Director of Operations and Project Archaeologist

  Historic Archaeology, Digital Historical Research, GIS


Carson Wright, MA - Staff Archaeologist

Soil Geochemistry, Soil Taxonomy, Sustainable Agriculture, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Biochar, and GIS


Chyan Gilaspy, MA – Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Specialist

Tribal Consultation and Collaboration, Cultural Sovereignty, and Decolonization of Museum Spaces