Sexual Assault Protection Program Seminar Photos
Chad and his students drew on the disciplines of sociology, psychology and theater, as well as the practices of martial arts and the policies of victim services to create Elemental, a self-protection program for the University and community.

After creating anonymous online surveys to gauge both the safety perceptions and experiences at Ball State as well as GLBTQ experiences, the students produced a dynamic interactive multimedia production that addresses the fears, risks and decision-making processes for both gay and straight populations, utilizing principles of both social science and ninjutsu discipline. Staged at the Cornerstone Center for the Arts theater, the audience became part of the presentation, their input directing and revising the decisions the actors made in each scenario.

The seminar’s community partners included Cornerstone Center for the Arts and A Better Way.

Sexual Assault Prevention Seminar Class Photo Chad Menning
Chad Menning, Associate Professor of Sociology
L-R, Front Row: James Adair, Chad Menning; Second Row: Michelle Colpean, Xavier Rosales, Megan Burns, Marc Quaranta; Third Row: Ashley Matthews, Hayley Wolf, Dayna Colbert, Sarah Bartolo, Justin Krowel, Danica Craig; Fourth Row: Tifanie Rider, Drew Varvel, Brittany Burt, Iryna Khopta.
