Tim and his students sought to re-imagine and challenge the traditional experience of art museum visitors.
The class researched museum practice, education and theory, studied user experience and interactive design, then embarked upon the arduous process of writing and evaluating over 1,500 prompts and interactive educational experiences to develop their web application, The Infinite Museum. The application - a tool both serious and playful, introspective and social - invites visitors to interact with the artwork from new, meaningful and creative perspectives, enabling them to remake their experience, and devise meaning from the art in new and surprising ways.
The class also created a sustainability plan for utilizing the application as an educational resource, and created a promotional video for the app for their community partner, the David Owsley Museum of Art.
View The Infinite Museum Seminar website to learn more about the project.
Explore the web application here: The Infinite Museum
Tim Berg, Assistant Professor of Honors Humanities
L-R, Front Row: Ellie Fawcett, Erin Bretz, Lauren King, Alyson Walbridge, Rachel Podnar, Anna Bowman, Anna Weigand Aidan Feay (on ground); Second Row: Melinda Staup, Amory Orchard, Cooper Cox, Janie Fulling, Elizabeth Curbey, Kayla Gurganus.