Erica Oliver
Erica Oliver
Environmental Education and Greenhouse Coordinator


Room:GH2 111


BS in Environmental and Sustainability Science, minor in Education - Cornell University

MS in Biological Sciences - Bowling Green State University


In my role as the Environmental Education Coordinator, I provide environmental education programs to PreK-12th grade students, BSU students, and the general public. Programs include field trips, hands-on experiences, and monthly public events. I also run two annual programs: Wildlife Warriors, a monthly club for middle schoolers focusing on Indiana ecology; and Indiana Master Naturalist, a ten-week course focusing on Indiana ecology. Finally, I also staff and run our Environmental Education Center, affectionately known as the “Nature Lab.” The EEC is attached to the Rinard Orchid Greenhouse and provides an indoor space for environmental education. It includes educational displays of an observation honeybee hive; an eastern box turtle named Beaker; eastern tiger salamanders named Sam and Frodo; and native Indiana frogs.

In my role as Greenhouse Coordinator, I assist in caring for the Dr. Joe and Alice Rinard Orchid Greenhouse, which is home to the largest collegiate orchid collection in the United States. I work with our greenhouse curator in caring for the orchid collection; supervising student employees and community volunteers; and creating educational materials.