Greg Rocheleau
Greg Rocheleau
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology
Curriculum Vitae


Room:NQ 280

Dr. Greg Rocheleau is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Ball State University. His research interests include juvenile delinquency, work and deviance, bullying victimization, and criminological theory. He primarily teaches juvenile justice and criminology courses.


Ph.D. in Sociology

Bowling Green State University

Featured Scholarship

Rocheleau, G. C. (2020). Religious bonds, low self-control, and deviant behavior: A fixed effects approach. Criminal Justice Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1478601X.2020.1867984.

Rocheleau, B. N., & Rocheleau, G. C. (2020). Bullying victimization among children with food allergies and parental mental health. Journal of Family Issues, DOI: 10.1177/0192513X20979637.

Rocheleau, G. C., Vito, A. G., & Intravia, J. (2020). Peers, perceptions, and e-cigarettes: A social learning approach to explaining e-cigarette use among youth. Journal of Drug Issues, 50(4), 472-489.