Azadeh Abdollah Zadeh
Azadeh Abdollah Zadeh
Assistant Teaching Professor of Computer Science


Room:RB 314

Azadeh Abdollah Zadeh earned her PhD in Computer Engineering from Florida Atlantic University and is a dedicated researcher with a robust portfolio of publications in machine learning, data mining, and bioinformatics. Her work spans a variety of topics, including one-class classification, big data applications, facial emotion recognition using deep learning, gene analysis related to Parkinson's disease, and innovative methods for fraud detection and frequent item set mining. Azadeh's research interests lie in developing and optimizing classification techniques to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of data analysis across diverse and complex datasets. She is particularly focused on the comparative performance of one-class and binary classification systems, as well as the potential applications of these systems in real-world scenarios.

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Comp Sci 1: Prog Fun 120 2 1230 - 1345 T RB, room 355
Comp Sci 1: Prog Fun 120 2 1300 - 1350 M W F RB, room 355
Comp Sci 1: Prog Fun 120 4 1530 - 1645 T RB, room 355
Comp Sci 1: Prog Fun 120 4 1600 - 1650 M W F RB, room 355
Comp Sci 1: Prog Fun 120 1 1100 - 1215 R RB, room 355
Comp Sci 1: Prog Fun 120 1 1100 - 1150 M W F RB, room 355
Introduction to Prog 617 C01 0000 - 0000 OL, room ONLINE