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Creative Writing in the Community

Students in this one-semester course teach creative writing techniques to writers in the community and publish a collaborative anthology. Learn more.

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Digital Literature Review

Undergraduates produce this digital-only journal of literary scholarship and its accompanying blog. Students review submissions and learn the peer-review process as well as skills in publicity, digital design, and social media management. Learn more.

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The Broken Plate

Undergraduates produce this nationally distributed literary magazine, which features poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, screenwriting, art, and photography submitted by creators all over the U.S. Learn more.

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Cinema Entertainment Immersion

This collaborative program involves students from English, TCOM, and Theatre. Screenwriting students develop original short scripts, and five are chosen to be produced and screened at the annual CEI showcase. Learn more.

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Book Arts Collaborative

This community letterpress and book bindery is located in a makerspace building in downtown Muncie. Students print on 100 year-old presses and hand sew and bind blank journals as well as printed books. Learn more.

What Can You Do with an English Major?

We’re asked this question all the time. Our answer: A lot. You will learn skills that transfer across hundreds of possible careers and industries—some of which may not even exist yet. Our graduates go on to work in marketing, publishing, non-profit fundraising, speechwriting, as well as in countless other fulfilling occupations.

Explore Careers

A student and a professor working together.