The Ball State Writing Program sponsors a speaker series (formerly known as "First Fridays") for instructors, teaching assistants, and writing center tutors to engage with issues in the field of teaching writing. The speakers are scheduled to present talks and/or workshops during both the fall and spring semesters. Teaching assistants are required to attend as part
of their professional development, while instructors are encouraged to attend.
The following are flyers and information pertaining to Writing Program speakers:
October 2021- Dr. Aja Martinez (University of North Texas)

March 2016-Tara Buck (Writing Program Research Fellow)

February 2016-Krista Ratcliffe (Purdue University)

February 2016-Morgan Gross (Writing Program Research Fellow)

December 2015-Maria Staton (Writing Program Research Fellow)

October 2015-Sid Dobrin (University of Florida)

September 2015-Elisabeth Buck (Writing Program Research Fellow)
April 2015-Katherine Greene (Writing Program Research Fellow)

March 2015- Alysia Sawchyn (Writing Program Research Fellow)
February 2015- Roxanne Mountford (University of Kentucky)
November 2014-Shelley Rodrigo (Old Dominion University)

October 2014- Matt Balk (Writing Program Research Fellow)
April 2014-Elmar Hashimov (Writing Program Research Fellow)

March 2014-Jennifer Grouling and Aly Schweigert (Writing Program Research Fellows)

November 2013-Tammy Conard-Salvo (Purdue OWL)

October 2013-Graduate Teaching Assistant Research Projects

September 2013-Nicki Litherland Baker (Writing Program Research Fellow)
April 2013-Mike Palmquist (Colorado State University)

March 2013- Stephanie Hedge (Writing Program Research Fellow)

February 2013- Geri Strecker (Writing Program Research Fellow)

November 2012- Paul Kei Matsuda (Arizona State University)

October 2012- Graduate Teaching Assistant Research Projects

September 2012-Bridget Gelms (Writing Program Research Fellow)

April 2012-Jeff Grabill and Bill Hart-Davidson (Michigan State University)

March 2012- Harry Denny (St. John's University)

February 2012- Lynne Stallings (Ball State) and Dawn Formo (CSU, San Marcos)

November 2011-Casey McArdle and Elmar Hashimov (Ball State University)

October 2011- Linda Adler-Kassner (UC-Santa Barbara)

September 2011-Cheryl Glenn (Penn State)