Yun Meng
Yun Meng
Assistant Professor of Finance
Curriculum Vitae


Room:WB 351

Yun (Eric) Meng is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Miller College of Business, Ball State University. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Business Administration-Finance from the University of South Florida. 

He has taught a variety of courses in finance, including Principles of Investments, Financial Institutions and Markets, Corporation Finance, and others. 

His primary research interests are in investment, behavior finance, international finance, and mergers and acquisitions. His research work has been published in Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Banking and Finance, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, and Journal of Fixed Income. He has also presented his work at several premier finance conferences. 




PhD in Finance
University of South Florida

Prior Employment

University of Wisconsin – Green Bay

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Principles of Financ 300 800 0000 - 0000
Markets and Institut 320 1 0930 - 1045 T R WB, room 306
Global Finance 352 1 1100 - 1215 T R WB, room 142