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Explore our majors and minors for languages from across the globe.

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Ready to apply? Make sure to review the admission requirements and procedures. Also, see what scholarships and other funding options you have available.

Take the Language Placement Test to Earn Free Credit

If you studied Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Latin, or Spanish in high school and want to continue taking classes in that language at Ball State, you should take the placement test prior to enrolling in a language course. The test will allow you to enroll in a course that meets your skill level, and as long as you complete that course with a C or higher, you will receive credit for all lower-level courses. 

What Can You Do with a Modern Languages and Classics Major?

Expand your worldview, improve communications skills, and increase employment opportunities by adding a major or minor in world languages.

Activities and Opportunities

Join a student or professional organization. Step outside of the classroom to learn a language in another country. See the activities that keep our students engaged in learning.

students smiling, reading a brochure
Upcoming Events

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Contact Us

Department of Modern Languages and Classics

North Quad, Room 178
Muncie, IN 47306

8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday


Written by Adriana Flores The Department of Modern Language and Classics is filled with unique and extraordinary staff and they would love to share th …

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This post was authored by Associate Professor Dr. Liu Li. Learning a Critical-Need Language for a Global Future Thanks to the STARTALK grant awarded t …

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Hello from Katie Kois, Graduating senior of Modern Languages and Classics at Ball State University, Before beginning college, I had no idea what I wan …

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