The Department of Modern Languages and Classics is your gateway to opportunity and success in today’s shrinking world. Mastering another language can enhance your employability in a wide range of fields, from financial services to journalism to diplomacy. Exploring the classics, in language and culture, can build skills that will serve you in many professions. And, of course, studies here can enrich your life away from work, too, regardless of your major or your goals. We offer courses in Arabic, Chinese, Classics, French, German, Japanese and Spanish.
Guiding your experience in our department are nearly three dozen full-time faculty members and a half dozen graduate assistants. All are dedicated to helping you achieve, and our faculty are also engaged in active research beyond their teaching commitments. We believe small classes are key to helping language students excel in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
We’re also committed to getting you out of the classroom and into real-world language experiences. Exchange and study abroad opportunities will take you around the world, and our majors are encouraged to spend time studying in a place where their language is spoken.
Students entering the Department of Modern Languages and Classics will need to possess a personal computer. Please view the information about Department recommendations for the specifications for your device.
MLC is at the forefront of university efforts to prepare students for global citizenship, fostering a greater understanding of and appreciation for multicultural traditions and diverse literary and linguistic perspectives.
To ensure that every Ball State University student has the opportunity to develop linguistic and cultural competencies necessary to contribute to the global workforce and promote human dignity.
Our Programs