Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (SIGMA) was founded in 1922 by six nursing students at Indiana University. The founders chose the name Sigma Theta Tau from the Greek words, “Strogá,” “Tharos,” and “Timé,” which mean “Love,” “Courage,” and “Honor.”
Today there are over 135,000 active members throughout 500 chapters in 90 countries and territories.
How to Join
Beta Rho Chapter inducts new members one time each year.
Membership is by invitation to:
- baccalaureate and graduate nursing students who demonstrate excellence in scholarship, academic integrity, and leadership potential
- nurse leaders exhibiting exceptional achievements in nursing practice
Other criteria include:
- completion of at least one-half of the required nursing curriculum
- ranking in the highest 35 percent of your class in overall GPA
- having an overall GPA of at least 3.0
- achievement of excellence according to standards approved by Sigma Theta Tau
- completion of at least one-fourth of program of study
- GPA of at least 3.5
- registered nurse with a baccalaureate or higher degree in nursing or other field
- demonstrated achievement in nursing
- innovation in nursing practice
Getting Involved
There are many ways to be actively involved in Sigma at the Beta Rho Chapter.
For many aspects of active involvement, you do not need to live in the Muncie area or even in Indiana as technology allows us to connect with members anywhere in the world.
If you are interested in participating in any of the following ways, please contact Dr. Cindy Thomas for more information.
Help Plan Events
Events include:
- Annual Induction and Awards Ceremony
- Service Projects
- Annual Membership Meeting Continuing Education Programs Fundraising
Run for Chapter Officer Position
The officers of the chapter include president, president elect (optional), vice president, secretary, treasurer, and one or two counselors. Officers are elected by the membership during annual elections.
Chapter Officer Qualifications
- Be an active member in the chapter.
- Complete the consent to serve in the position.
- Agree to a two-year commitment.
Run for Chapter Officer Position
- Act as the executive officer and administrator of all business of the chapter as stated in the bylaws.
- Serve as chief representative of the chapter in inter-chapter activities.
- Ensure chapter participation in the biennial convention House of Delegates and other business brought forth before the House of Delegates during the term.
- Prepare a calendar and agenda for all business meetings and general membership meetings with assistance as needed from the secretary.
- Finalize the committee appointments recommended by the officers for all committees, advisory councils, or task forces.
- Delegate responsibilities not otherwise handled by the chapter bylaws to the chapter officers or committees.
- Communicate the business, projects, and activities of the officers and committees to members.
- Ensure at least one business meeting and at least two programs or events that support the purposes and goals of the honor society are held during each fiscal year.
- Arrange an orientation meeting, following the annual membership meeting, for all newly installed officers and committee chairs to facilitate the transfer of duties and responsibilities and to formulate the goals of the chapter for the coming year.
- Ensure all reports are submitted to headquarters in a timely manner. Reports include: chapter annual report, verification of fees report (when applicable) and the chapter officer/committee chair report.
- Meet with the head of the nursing program at the beginning of the school year to get the chapter's meetings on the school's master calendar.
- Talk with the heads of major service agencies in the community and ask to get the chapter meeting dates on the agency's master calendars.
- Develop and maintain policies and procedures related to the position of president and submit modifications or new policies and procedures to the officers for approval.
- Plan for officer transition.
- Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the Leadership Succession Committee.
- Succeed into the presidency at the end of a one- or two-year term of office.
- Communicate to the public the purposes of the society.
- Chair committees, as needed.
- Learn the chapter operations and facilitate the achievement of chapter goals and mission of Sigma Theta Tau International
- Oversee the process for completing and submitting the Chapter Key Award application.
- Perform the duties of the president in the president's absence
- Chair committees, as needed.
- Succeed into the office of president and serve until the next election in the event that the president vacates his/her officer during the two-year term.
- Prepare an annual report to the chapter membership regarding the vice-president's responsibilities and activities.
- Oversee the planning of the annual induction ceremony and at least one other chapter program or event that supports the honor society's purposes and goals each year.
- Record the minutes for each business meeting.
- Distribute minutes to all officers and committee members.
- Keep an official record book of the minutes of all business meetings to present to the succeeding secretary.
- Prepare an annual report to the chapter membership.
- Submit the list of new officers to headquarters within two weeks of officer elections and provides headquarters with updates as they occur.
- Order all stationery, forms, and mailing labels for the chapter.
- Type and mail chapter correspondence as needed.
- Send membership invitations to all elected candidates, in cooperation with the Governance Committee.
- Serve on committees as needed.
- Serve as custodian of the chapter funds.
- Prepare and presents a current financial report to the officers at each business meeting.
- Prepare and submit an annual budget to the officers with appropriate committee advisory council or task force.
- Prepare and submit the financial section of the chapter annual report.
- Work with an accountant on a biennial audit.
- Obtain and complete necessary tax forms for the Internal Revenue Service.
- Manage the investment plan of the chapter with support from the officers.
- Develop and maintain fiscal policies and procedures in collaboration with the appropriate committee. Submit new policies or modifications of existing policies to the officers for approval.
- Be bonded in an amount equal to three-fourths of the worth of the chapter.
- Be on faculty of Ball State University School of Nursing.
- Be a member of/and may serve as the chair of the Governance Committee
- Lead the procedure for determining membership eligibility and inducting members.
- Develop strategies for publicizing and informing students and nursing leaders of membership eligibility criteria.
- Secure necessary data from the official records of students to determine eligibility status. Notify students of their eligibility status and sends out the appropriate membership application materials.
Join a Committee
The standing committees of Beta Rho Chapter are Leadership Succession, Governance, and Research.
Members of the Leadership Succession Committee are elected by members. The chair of the committee is appointed by the president from the elected members of the committee.
Members of the Governance and Research Committees are appointed by the president. Chairs of these committees are also appointed by the president.
Committee Member Qualifications
- Be an active member in the chapter
- Complete the consent to serve in the position.
- Agree to a two-year commitment.
- Develop members in organizational leadership roles across the span of their careers.
- Mentor members to assume positions at all levels of the organization.
- Manage the preparation, distribution, and tallying of election ballots.
- Notify all candidates (elected and non-elected) of the election results.
Those serving on the Leadership Succession Committee are not permitted to be on the slate of candidates for officer or committee positions.
Members may only serve on the Leadership Succession Committee for one two-year term.
- Oversee chapter membership eligibility issues.
- Lead the bylaws amendment process by considering, reviewing, editing and/or correlating amendments as suggested or appropriate.
- Update the chapter’s bylaws to comply with changes made to the international bylaws by utilizing the chapter bylaws template created and updated by STTI headquarters.
- Oversee the process of developing, reviewing, and revising criteria for the funding of research grants.
- Manage the process for reviewing and evaluating abstracts for research presentations and proposals for research grants.
- Oversee the planning of any chapter research conferences or research day activities.
Those serving on the Research Committee or as any other chapter officer or chair are not eligible for research funding while in any appointed or elected positions
- Contribute an article for the Chapter Newsletter.
- Nominate another chapter member for a Recognition Award.
- Submit an application for a research or creative project grant.
- Speak at student activities about nursing, nurse research, and nurse leadership.
- Attend Beta Rho Chapter events.
Keep up to date on the latest events of the organization and its members. Read the newsletter.
Participate in a Dissertation Study
You are eligible to participate in this study if you:
- Hold an active, unrestricted license as an RN in the United States (U.S.)
- Graduated from an accredited pre-licensure RN program in the U.S. (i.e. diploma/associate’s degree or baccalaureate program)
- Have been employed as an RN for at least 3 months but no more than 2 years
- Work 20 or more hours per week as an RN in the U.S.
Recorded Meetings
Beta Rho at Large Chapter Membership Meeting - 17, Sept. 2020
The first Beta Rho at Large Chapter of Sigma Zoom meeting was held on Thursday September 17th, 2020 at 2pm Eastern time. We had chapter members from Indiana, Michigan and the Philippines represented. We hope you can join us for future Zoom meetings and connect with other chapter members. Look for emails from Sigma in the future for the date and time of our next meeting.
Dr. Cindy Thomas-Beta Rho at Large Chapter