Bryant Keirns
Bryant Keirns
Assistant Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics and Graduate Program Director of Nutrition and Dietetics


Room:HB 530


PhD Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University
MS Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University
BS Biology, Oklahoma Christian University

Research Interests

Dr. Keirns held a American Heart Association predoctoral fellowship during his doctoral work and was also funded on an American Society for Nutrition Mars Predoctoral Fellowship. His doctoral research was funded by NIH/NIGMS Centers for Biomedical Research Excellence (CoBRE). He received several Oklahoma State University awards, including: OSU Foundation Distinguished Graduate Fellowship, Winterfeldt Graduate Research Fellowship, Gordon Carlson Endowed Graduate Scholarship in Nutritional Sciences, Esther Winterfeldt Summer Research Fellowship, 2020 Catlett-Hageman Endowed Graduate Fellowship in Nutritional Sciences, College of Education & Human Sciences Outstanding Research by a Graduate Student Award, Nutritional Sciences Outstanding Research by a Graduate Student Award. His teaching was recognized by the Nutritional Sciences Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award; his mentoring was recognized by the Human Sciences Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research Award. With 14 papers published, Dr. Keirns' research explores cardiovascular disease risk of novel obesity phenotypes and how poor gut health may impact cardiovascular health. He plans to continue to study normal-weight and metabolically healthy obesity and, more generally, the relationship between diet and lifestyle factors, gut health, and cardiovascular disease.




Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Nutr Cardiometabolic 360 1 1400 - 1515 T R CS, room 110
Research in Dietetic 499 01 0000 - 0000
Thesis 698 BK 0000 - 0000 OL, room ONLINE