students and faculty enjoying conversation at the Alumni Center on campus

As you progress in your education, it is important that you apply what you learn outside the classroom. Student organizations provide an excellent opportunity to engage your peers and faculty, explore your own thoughts and beliefs, and obtain a more well-rounded education.

We encourage you to participate in our department’s student organizations, immersive-learning courses, community projects, and more.

Student Organizations

Phi Sigma Tau (PST) is the international honor society in philosophy. Its purpose is to encourage interest and activity among students and promote ties between philosophy departments at accredited institutions. Learn more. | Email us.

Philosophy Club

Discuss and debate a wide range of topics in a friendly intellectual environment for discussion and engage with guest speakers from around the country. Students from all majors are welcome. Learn more. | Email us. | Calendar


• Religion Conversation Hour (RCH) is a student-run organization offering a lively but relaxed forum for exploring themes central to the study of religion and topics from a variety of religious traditions. Students from any religious background (including “none”) are welcome. Learn more. | Find us on Facebook. | Email us | Calendar

Immersive Learning

Immersive learning, the heart of a Ball State education, combines learning content and skills with meeting community need. Students cultivate their interests as they take part in an intense, transformative experience. The result is a final product that enhances the community with a lasting impact.


Join an Award-Winning Publication

Stance is an annual immersive learning project in which Ball State students train and lead an international team of undergraduates in all aspects of editing and producing an academic journal. We have trained external reviewers or worked with authors from countries including South Korea, the U.K., Ireland, Slovenia, Australia, Canada, Iran, and Hungary. The project earned the American Philosophical Association Prize for Excellence and Innovation in Philosophy Programs.

Foster the Love of Philosophy in Young People

In the Philosophy Outreach project (POP), Ball State students and faculty promote philosophical thinking among high school students through visiting area schools, creating resources for teachers and students, and hosting an annual pre-college philosophy conference at Ball State. To learn more, please check out our website.

Community Engagement

Our department hosts regular events in the community, including Big Questions, Big Ideas and Philosophy in High Schools.


Big Questions, Big Ideas is a monthly speaker and discussion series hosted jointly by the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies and the Muncie Public Library. Visit Big Questions, Big Ideas for more information.

Recent events have included the following:

  • “How Can Spirituality Exist Outside Religion?"
  • "Radical Politics and the Alt-Right"
  • "Self-Deception"
  • "Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth"

Study Abroad

Our Rinker Center for Global Affairs offers many options for studying abroad, from class trips led by professors to independent exchanges at foreign universities. These programs are open to all students, and they vary in length, location, and cost. Learn more.