To donate and support the future of our department, please

  • Visit the online giving form.
  • In the drop-down box, scroll to the bottom and select "Other."
  • A new box "Enter other designation" will appear.  In that box, put the fund number and fund name (below) to which you wish to donate.

Philosophy and Religious Studies Funds

  1. 6501 – Philosophy and Religious Studies General Fund: supports the welfare, administration and advancement of programs in the Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies
  2. 6551 – Philosophy and Religious Studies Student Awards and Activities Fund: provides awards for qualified educational and charitable purposes to students in the Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies, including awards for academic achievement and travel to academic events
  3. 6503 – Stance Fund: supports the welfare, operations, advancement, and production of Stance: An International Undergraduate Philosophy Journal
  4. 6504  Philosophy Outreach Project Fund: provides financial support for the mission of the Philosophy Outreach Project, pre-college philosophy education, and the Ball State students involved in the Philosophy Outreach Project.