Jeffrey Fry
Jeffrey Fry
Professor of Philosophy


Room:NQ 212

Jeff Fry graduated from Indiana University with a double major Ph.D. in Philosophy and Religious Studies. The title of his dissertation is "Self-Esteem, Moral Luck, and the Meaning of Grace." His specialty areas include Ethics, the Philosophy of Sport, and Philosophy of Religion. He is an active participant in sports, and has taught "Advanced Basketball." He has recently developed an interest in the intersection of neuroscience, philosophy of mind, and ethics, and in how these disciplines can be combined to illuminate and enrich the philosophy of sport. Recent publications include “On the Supposed Duty to Try One’s Hardest in Sports,” in Philosophy in the Contemporary World (Fall 2011), and “Citius, Altius, Fortius, Virtuous,” chapter in The Olympics and Philosophy (edited by Austin and Reid/University Press of Kentucky, 2012). In addition to teaching Introduction to Philosophy, Ethics, and Philosophy of Sport, in recent years he has developed and taught a number of new course topics, including “Happiness, Ethics, and the Meaning of Life,” “Mind, Brain, and Ethics,” and “Moral Psychology, ‘the Hidden Brain,’ and the Pursuit of Happiness.” He also teaches Philosophy of Religion.

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Introduction to Phil 100 2 0930 - 1045 T R BB, room 101
Introduction to Phil 100 3 1400 - 1515 T R BB, room 106
Topics in Neurophilo 415 1 1230 - 1345 T R NQ, room 302