John Millis
John Millis
Department Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy and Professor of Physics


Room:CS 430A

John Millis earned his PhD in physics from Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN. His broad area of teaching interests includes quantum mechanics, electromagnetics, and astrophysics. His research background is primarily in high-energy astrophysics, using the VERITAS gamma-ray experiment to study very high energy radiation from black holes and neutron stars.  He has also conducted research in physics, astronomy, and engineering education. Before joining the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Ball State University, John was the chair of the Department of Physical Sciences and Engineering at Anderson University.
Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Circuit Analysis 203 891 0000 - 0000
Engineering Ethics 206 891 1400 - 1450 T R
Systems Engineering 209 891 0800 - 0850 M W F
Dynamics 211 891 1300 - 1350 M W F
Ana Circ. Design 323 891 1300 - 1450 T
Ana Circ. Design 323 891 1000 - 1050 M W
Solid Mechanics 351 891 0000 - 0000
Engin. Proj. Lab 385 891 0000 - 0000
Therm-Fld Lab 410 891 0900 - 1050 T R
Heat and Mass Transf 416 891 0900 - 0950 M W F
Dig. Sig. Process 425 891 1300 - 1350 M W F
Engin. Sen. Design 2 496 891 1200 - 1250 M W
Masters Candidate 600 200 0000 - 0000
Electricity and Magn 450 1 1000 - 1050 M W F CS, room 315
Independent Studies 482 3 0000 - 0000
Electricity and Magn 550 1 1000 - 1050 M W F CS, room 315
Thesis 698 300 0000 - 0000
Differential Equatio 374 2 0000 - 0000