Communicating Your Research

Science makes progress when scientists share their research findings. Furthermore, making high-quality oral and written presentations is a valuable skill.

Conferences and Meetings

You may want to participate in a conference that disseminates student research and fosters development of professional skills. Some of these conferences provide opportunities to give oral presentations, and some provide opportunities to present posters describing the work.

The following is a partial list of student conferences:

Talk to your faculty mentor about other possibilities.


You may be eligible for a small stipend to help pay traveling costs to one of these conferences. For further information about conferences, talk to your faculty advisor.


Publishing your work in a student journal, such as the “Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research,” is another way to disseminate your research findings. 

There are specific criteria to meet when submitting research to a journal.

View Submission Requirements

Sometimes it is appropriate to submit student research to professional journals not limited to student submissions. Discuss where to submit your research findings with your faculty research adviser.