Melinda Messineo
Melinda Messineo
Professor of Sociology
Curriculum Vitae


Room:NQ 240

Melinda Messineo joined the Department of Sociology at Ball State in 1999. Professor Messineo received her degrees from the University of California, Riverside, her MA and PhD in sociology. Professor Messineo’s current research focuses on race, class and gender in the media and the scholarship of teaching and learning. Dr. Messineo currently teaches courses in the sociological of media, research methods, internship, and the sociology major capstone. She is the recipient of the Lawhead Award in Teaching, the Excellence in Teaching Award twice, Outstanding Teaching Award all from Ball State and the Schnabel Teaching Award from the North Central Sociological Association.

Areas of Interest

Family; Race/Class/Gender; Institutions; Media; Leisure

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Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Principles of Sociol 100 004 1230 - 1345 T R TC, room 121
Sociological Researc 380 001 0930 - 1045 T R NQ, room 302
Internship Experienc 488 001 0000 - 0000
Ind Study of Sociolo 490 001 0000 - 0000
Ind Study of Sociolo 490 005 0000 - 0000 OL, room ONLINE
Capstone Course in S 492 001 1530 - 1645 T R TC, room 414
Independent Study in 590 002 0000 - 0000