American flagBall State University Veterans Affairs provides comprehensive resources to veterans, reservists, guardsmen, and family members using Veterans Affairs benefits to aid in their overall success as students.

In addition to providing certification each semester for student-veterans and family members who receive education entitlements, we also provide advice, guidance, advocacy, and outreach services  for our veterans and military affiliated population.

Ball State is honored to have been named a "Military Friendly" institution.  U.S. News & World Report ranked Ball State in the top 20 nationwide for "Best Online Programs for Veterans".  We are privileged to work with more than 800 veterans and family members who have selected Ball State as their university of choice.

We are dedicated to helping veterans achieve their educational goals.  If you have questions, please contact our Veterans Affairs staff.  If you require in-person assistance, our office is located within Cardinal Central

Getting Started

There are numerous federal and state programs and grants available to qualifying veterans and their family members. Ball State Veterans Affairs is available to assist in determining what you may be entitled to and in completing the application procedures. We encourage you to begin completing this process as soon as possible; depending upon the program, confirmation of eligibility can sometimes be lengthy.

Ball State determines residency status consistent with the full adoption of Indiana and federal legislation. Public Law 113-146, Section 702, as a condition of continued US Department of Veterans Affairs program approval; Public Law 116-315 (Isakson and Roe Veterans Benefits Improvement Act of 2020); 20 USC 1015d; Indiana Senate Enrolled Act 434; and I.C. 21-14-12.2 and 21-14-9 require certain active duty personnel and their dependents; certain veterans; members of the Indiana National Guard; and certain Post-9/11 GI Bill® or Montgomery GI Bill® beneficiaries pay no more than the in-state tuition rate, regardless of residency classification. Specific questions about residency should be addressed to the Office of the Registrar.

Ball State participates in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Principles of Excellence program. The Principles of Excellence program requires schools that get federal funding through programs such as the GI Bill® to follow certain guidelines. Learn about these guidelines.

Veterans should also contact Jennifer Lawson in Academic Advising for information or to ask questions about the transfer of military credit.

*GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at

Benefit Programs

Our office works with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and State of Indiana to process education benefits under the following programs:

The Post-9/11 GI Bill (PGIB), or Chapter 33, helps you pay for school or cover expenses while you’re training for a job. If you’ve served on active duty after September 10, 2001, you may qualify for the Post-9/11 GI Bill.” Find out if you can get this education benefit by visiting

The transfer ability option under the Post-9/11 GI Bill ® allows service members to transfer all or some unused benefits to their spouse or dependent children. The Department of Defense (DoD) determines whether or not you can transfer benefits to your family.  Once the DoD approves benefits for transfer, the new beneficiaries apply for them at

The quickest and most efficient way to apply for Chapter 33 educational benefits is to visit the website.  After receiving your Certificate of Eligibility letter from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, you must submit a copy either in person to Ball State Cardinal Central or via e-mail to

Each semester, Ball State School Certifying Officials will automatically verify your enrollment and schedule, then complete electronic certification to the Department of Veteran Affairs. Students should notify Ball State Veterans Affairs if they do not want to use available benefits. Tuition and fee payments will be remitted directly to the university. All other payments will be sent to the student via the address or direct deposit account on file with the VA.

Chapter 33 (Post 9/11): VA’s Monthly Verification of Enrollment Policy

All students using Chapter 33 (Post 9/11) GI Bill Educational Benefits, who receive Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) and/or kicker payments will be required monthly to verify their enrollment status monthly to continue receiving their payments. 



This is different from Ball State’s Veterans Affairs’ enrollment certification process before the beginning of each semester.

The new monthly enrollment verification is a Veteran Affairs requirement for Post 9/11 GI Bill students to certify that they have remained enrolled in the same courses the university has previously certified. 



Via Text Message (Easiest and fastest method):

  1. To opt-in contact the Education Call Center (ECC) at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551) to ensure the VA has your mobile phone number
  2. After opting-in, you can verify your enrollment by responding to a text message from the VA
  3. NOTE: the VA will never ask for your personal information, for example, social security number or bank account number via text

Via Education Call Center:

  1. Contact the Education Call Center (ECC) at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551) and ask the representative to verify enrollment on your behalf
  2. NOTE: Wait times may be high due to the number of students verifying each month
  3. If you opt-out of text verification and later change your mind, or need to change your mobile number, call the ECC at 1-888GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551)



If you fail to verify your information for two consecutive months, your monthly payments will be placed on hold. You will then have to take additional steps to verify your enrollment and have the payments released.

Learn more about the program.

Yellow Ribbon

Yellow Ribbon ProgramIf you are attending Ball State as a non-resident, tuition and fee costs will exceed allowable Chapter 33 benefits. The Department of Veteran Affairs, in conjunction with Ball State, makes additional funds available to those eligible under the Yellow Ribbon Program.

Only veterans entitled to the maximum benefit rate or their designated transferees may receive this funding. Active duty service members and their spouses are not eligible for this program. Ball State has limited numbers of slots available under the Yellow Ribbon Program, and they are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Learn more about the program.

Submit an application for the Ball State Post 9/11 GI Bill Yellow Ribbon Program.

The Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB) is available to those who enlist in the U.S. armed forces.

Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty (Chapter 30)

GI Bill logoThis benefit is for active duty members who enrolled and paid $100 per month for 12 months and are entitled to receive a monthly education benefit after completing a minimum service obligation.

The quickest and most efficient way to apply for Chapter 30 educational benefits is at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website . After receiving your Certificate of Eligibility letter from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, you must submit a copy either in person at Ball State Cardinal Central or via e-mail to

Each semester, Ball State’s School Certifying Officials will automatically verify your enrollment and schedule, then complete electronic certification to the Department of Veteran Affairs. Students should notify Ball State Veterans Affairs if they do not want to use available benefits. Payments will be remitted directly to the student via the address or direct deposit account on file with the VA.

Chapter 30 recipients must verify their enrollment each month.  

Montgomery GI Bill (Chapter 30): VA’s Monthly Verification of Enrollment Policy

All students using the Montgomery GI Bill (Chapter 30) and (Chapter 1606) who receive Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) and/or kicker payments will be required monthly to verify their enrollment status monthly to continue receiving their payments. 



This is different from Ball State’s Veterans Affairs’ enrollment certification process before the beginning of each semester.

The monthly enrollment verification is a Veteran Affairs requirement for Montgomery GI Bill (Chapter 30) and (Chapter 1606) to certify that they have remained enrolled in the same courses the university has previously certified. 



Via Text Message (Easiest and fastest method):

  1. To opt-in contact the Education Call Center (ECC) at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551) to ensure the VA has your mobile phone number
  2. After opting-in, you can verify your enrollment by responding to a text message from the VA
  3. NOTE: the VA will never ask for your personal information, for example, social security number or bank account number via text

Via Education Call Center:

  1. Contact the Education Call Center (ECC) at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551) and ask the representative to verify enrollment on your behalf
  2. NOTE: Wait times may be high due to the number of students verifying each month
  3. If you opt-out of text verification and later change your mind, or need to change your mobile number, call the ECC at 1-888GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551)



If you fail to verify your information for two consecutive months, your monthly payments will be placed on hold. You will then have to take additional steps to verify your enrollment and have the payments released.

Learn more about the program.

Each semester, Ball State School Certifying Officials will automatically verify your enrollment and schedule, then complete electronic certification to the Department of Veteran Affairs. Students should notify Ball State Veterans Affairs if they do not want to use available benefits. Tuition and fee payments will be remitted directly to the university. All other payments will be sent to the student via the address or direct deposit account on file with the VA.

Learn more about the program.

Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve (Chapter 1606)

GI Bill logoThis benefit provides education and training benefits to eligible members of the Selected Reserve with a six-year obligation who are actively drilling, to include the Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Air Force Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve and Coast Guard Reserve, and the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard. Eligibility is determined by the Selected Reserve components, with the VA responsible for making payments.

To apply for Chapter 1606 educational benefits, students should contact their supporting military unit. After receiving a completed Notice of Basic Eligibility (NOBE), DD Form 2384, you must submit a copy either in person or via fax to the Ball State Veterans Affairs and Support Office.

Each semester, Ball State’s School Certifying Officials will automatically verify your enrollment and schedule, then complete electronic certification to the Department of Veteran Affairs. Students should notify Ball State Veterans Affairs if they do not want to use available benefits. Payments will be remitted directly to the student via the address or direct deposit account on file with the VA.

Students may use Chapter 1606 educational benefits and Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA) for the same courses simultaneously, provided the student is enrolled half-time or greater in a program of education.

Chapter 1606 recipients must verify their enrollment each month. 

Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve (Chapter 1606):

VA’s Monthly Verification of Enrollment Policy

All students using the Montgomery GI Bill (Chapter 30) and (Chapter 1606) who receive Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) and/or kicker payments will be required monthly to verify their enrollment status monthly to continue receiving their payments. 



This is different from Ball State’s Veterans Affairs’ enrollment certification process before the beginning of each semester.

The monthly enrollment verification is a Veteran Affairs requirement for Montgomery GI Bill (Chapter 30) and (Chapter 1606) to certify that they have remained enrolled in the same courses the university has previously certified. 



Via Text Message (Easiest and fastest method):

  1. To opt-in contact the Education Call Center (ECC) at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551) to ensure the VA has your mobile phone number
  2. After opting-in, you can verify your enrollment by responding to a text message from the VA
  3. NOTE: the VA will never ask for your personal information, for example, social security number or bank account number via text

Via Education Call Center:

  1. Contact the Education Call Center (ECC) at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551) and ask the representative to verify enrollment on your behalf
  2. NOTE: Wait times may be high due to the number of students verifying each month
  3. If you opt-out of text verification and later change your mind, or need to change your mobile number, call the ECC at 1-888GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551)



If you fail to verify your information for two consecutive months, your monthly payments will be placed on hold. You will then have to take additional steps to verify your enrollment and have the payments released.

Learn more about the program.

Each semester, Ball State School Certifying Officials will automatically verify your enrollment and schedule, then complete electronic certification to the Department of Veteran Affairs. Students should notify Ball State Veterans Affairs if they do not want to use available benefits. Tuition and fee payments will be remitted directly to the university. All other payments will be sent to the student via the address or direct deposit account on file with the VA.

Learn more about the program.

For members who entered service between January 1, 1977, and June 30, 1985, and elected to make contributions from their military pay to participate in the program.

The quickest and most efficient way to apply for VEAP educational benefits is to complete them online at After receiving your Certificate of Eligibility letter from the US Department of Veterans Affairs, you must submit a copy in person or via fax to the Ball State Veterans Affairs and Support Office.

Each semester, Ball State School Certifying Officials will automatically verify your enrollment and schedule, then complete electronic certification to the Department of Veteran Affairs. Students should notify Ball State Veterans Affairs if they do not want to use available benefits. Payments will be remitted directly to the student via the address or direct deposit account on file with the VA.

VEAP recipients must verify their enrollment each month with the VA.


Via Text Message (Easiest and fastest method):

  1. To opt-in contact the Education Call Center (ECC) at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551) to ensure the VA has your mobile phone number
  2. After opting-in, you can verify your enrollment by responding to a text message from the VA
  3. NOTE: the VA will never ask for your personal information, for example, social security number or bank account number via text

Via Education Call Center:

  1. Contact the Education Call Center (ECC) at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551) and ask the representative to verify enrollment on your behalf
  2. NOTE: Wait times may be high due to the number of students verifying each month
  3. If you opt-out of text verification and later change your mind, or need to change your mobile number, call the ECC at 1-888GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551)



If you fail to verify your information for two consecutive months, your monthly payments will be placed on hold. You will then have to take additional steps to verify your enrollment and have the payments released.

This program offers education and training opportunities to eligible dependents of Veterans who are permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related condition or of Veterans who died while on active duty or as a result of a service-related condition.

The quickest and most efficient way to apply for Chapter 35 educational benefits is to complete them online at After receiving your Certificate of Eligibility letter from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, you must submit a copy to Ball State Veterans Affairs.

Each semester, Ball State’s School Certifying Officials will automatically verify your enrollment and schedule, then complete electronic certification to the Department of Veteran Affairs. Students should notify Ball State Veterans Affairs if they do not want to use available benefits. Payments will be remitted directly to the student via the address or direct deposit account on file with the VA.

Eligible veterans may qualify for Chapter 31 benefits if they have received a discharge that is other than dishonorable and have a service-connected disability rating of at least 10 percent from the VA. After meeting with a VR&E Counselor, veterans may receive services to help with job training, employment accommodations, resume development, and job seeking skills coaching.

To apply, log into your eBenefits account. Select Apply" followed by Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Benefits. Next apply for "Educational and Career Counseling".

Your VR & E Counselor will submit your authorization directly to your school.  You can let your school know to watch for your authorization to ensure timely process.

Each semester, Ball State's School Certifying Officials will automatically verify your enrollment and schedule, then complete electronic certification to the Department of Veteran Affairs. Tuition and fee payments will be remitted directly to the university.  All other payments will be sent to the student via the address or direct deposit account on file with the VA.

Learn more about the program.

The biological or legally adopted children of eligible disabled Indiana veterans may be eligible for a Tuition and Fee Exemption.  Students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as determined by the institution to remain eligible for this program.

The veteran must have served on active duty in the U.S. armed forces during a period of wartime, or performed duty equally hazardous that was recognized by the award of a service, campaign or expeditionary medal of the United States. Residency, adoption, and usage rules may apply. Additional information and applications can be downloaded from the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs.

Students must complete a FAFSA each your in order to receive this award.

Learn more about the program.

Active duty personnel, those in AGR (Active Guard Reserve) status pursuant to Title 10 and Title 32, and Reserve Component personnel in an active drilling status may be authorized to receive Federal Tuition Assistance. Those eligible should contact their host unit or education office for application procedures. Once students receive approval through their respective Service, they should bring or fax their Tuition Assistance Authorization to Ball State Veterans Affairs. Payments will be remitted directly to the university.

National Guard Supplemental Grant

The Indiana Army National Guard Supplemental Grant (NGSG) guarantees up to 100 percent of certain tuition and fees will be funded by the State of Indiana for eligible members of the Indiana Army National Guard (INARNG). The NGSG only covers certain tuition charges and regularly assessed fees, not room and board or textbooks. It is subject to available funds.

Students using NGSG must be in active drilling status. In addition, students must apply for federal tuition assistance (FTA) in ArmyIgnitED and use FTA funds prior to applying for the NGSG, if eligible to receive FTA benefits.

Students must complete a FAFSA each year in order to receive this award.

Learn more about the program.