Students:  What do you need to know about alcohol, marijuana and other drugs:

One of the most common myths about alcohol use is how much other people are drinking.  Students perceive that other students are drinking much more than they actually are.  What do you think the is percentage of BSU students who say they have not consumer alcohol in the last 30 days? Would it surprise you to know that 30% of BSU say that didn’t drink in the last 30 days and 15% say they have never drank alcohol?  Only .6% of students said they drank daily.  If you do choose to drink, here are some things to consider:

Educate yourself.

  • Do you know the standard drink size for alcoholic beverages? 
    People often drink more than they planned to because they don’t realize how much a standard drink is.  Here are the standard drinks for different types of alcohol.

    Beer-12 oz. glass  usually 5- 7% alcohol
    Wine—5 oz glass typically 12% alcohol
    Liquor--.5 oz distilled spirits about 40% alcohol

  • How many standard alcoholic drinks in a 2 hour period is considered binge drinking?
    For men 5 and for women 4.
  • What is Blood Alcohol level (BAC) and how does it affect you?
    BAC is the level of alcohol intoxication with .08 BAC level considered being legally intoxicated and .40 BAC being potentially fatal.

  • What factors affect BAC?
    These factors affect absorption or how rapidly your BAC rises:
    1. Amount and type of alcohol: alcohol content and number of drinks
    2. Rate of drinking: how quickly or slowly are you drinking?
    3. Weight: the BAC chart above demonstrates how weight effects BAC level
    4. Gender : women have less of the alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme that breaks down alcohol than men do.
    5. Food intake: eating before drinking alcohol will slow down absorption but doesn’t make you less drunk
    6. Medication: some medications such as anti-depressants and birth control pills will increase the effects of alcohol
    7. Carbonation: drinking alcohol with carbonated mixers increases the rate of absorption of alcohol
    8. Tolerance level: have you developed a tolerance so that you don’t feel the effects of alcohol?

It is important to know these factors as slowing down the rate of absorption helps you to know the effects of alcohol consumption before you drink more than you intended.

  • Can you lower your BAC once you have drank alcohol?
    No! Once your BAC increases, you can’t make your enzymes work any faster so drinking coffee, water, eating fatty foods will have no effect on BAC. You just have to wait for your liver to do its job.

Change Your Behavior

  • So what can you do to drink responsibly and safely?
    1. Set and stay with your limit.
    2. Eat food before and while you drink
    3. Pace yourself: drink one alcoholic drink an hour
    4. Drink water in between alcoholic drinks
    5. Keep active; don't just sit around and drink.
    6. Avoid "chugging" contests or other drinking games
    7. Don’t leave your drink unattended
    8. Ask what is in your drink if you don’t know
    9. Don’t mix alcoholic drinks and energy drinks
    10. Don’t drink and drive

Assess Your Behavior

  • Has your alcohol/drug use negatively affected you? Due to alcohol/drug use have you….
    1. missed classes, not performed as well as you usually do in school or not paid attention in class?
    2. gotten into legal trouble?
    3. found your relationships have suffered?
    4. done something you later regretted?
    5. blacked out andforgotten where you were, what you did?
    6. had sex without the person’s consent?
    7. had unprotected sex?
    8. Physically injured yourself?
    9. Physically injured someone else?
    10. Considered suicide?

it is important to be aware of the potential negative consequences as drinking alcohol and drug use can interfere with your ability to meet your academic, social and career goals. If you are concerned about your drinking, please call the Counseling Center at (765) 285-1736.

What do you do if you are concerned about a friend’s drinking or drug use?

  1. Focus on their behavior: list a specific problems that have occurred because of your friend's drinking or drug use such as “I have noticed you aren’t going to classes or doing things you used to do”.
  2. Choose a private location where you can talk. Express your concern for your friend.
  3. Talk when they are sober.
  4. Distinguish between behavior when they are sober versus high/drunk. behavior Eg). You are usually so fun to be around but when you drink you are angry and irritable.”
  5. Be sure to distinguish between the person and the behavior. "I think you're a great person, but the more marijuana you smoke, the less you seem to care about anything."
  • Encourage your friend to consult with a professional to talk about their drug or alcohol problem. Offer to go with them to their first appointment at the Counseling Center if they want you to do so.
  • Talk to people you trust so you have support.

What NOT to do:

  • Don't accuse or argue. If your friend gets angry or provokes you, remind yourself to remain calm and to stay focused on your goal -- to be helpful by honestly expressing your concerns
  • Don't lecture or be accusatory. Remain factual, listen, and be nonjudgmental.
  • Don't give up. If your friend seems resistant, you can bring it up later or let them know you're there for them if they ever want to talk.

What are the Signs of Alcohol Poisoning?

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Slurred speech
  • Slow breathing
  • Unconsciousness or unresponsiveness
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Skin has a bluish hue
  • Cold skin
  • Seizures or convulsions

What should you do if you suspect someone has alcohol poisoning?

  • Try to awaken them
  • Roll the person on their side
  • Continually monitor them (don’t leave them alone)
  • Cover them with only a sheet
  • Don’t give them anything to eat or drink
  • Don’t put them in a cold shower
  • Call 911

Appointments at the Counseling Center

If you have any questions or concerns and would like additional assistance, you can speak with a supportive, non-judgmental counselor. We offer individual counseling and group counseling.

Schedule Appointment