To a student paying for college, your gift will be life-changing. You can support student scholarships, leadership training, study abroad, immersive learning, quality of life, and more.
Ball State offers hundreds of majors and minors. Which one made you a success? College-directed gifts take departments to a whole new level and students to brighter, more successful careers.
Remember that professor who made a difference in your success? Your gifts support faculty, attract top talent as well as create endowed chairs, professorships, and distinguished visiting lectureships.
A wide variety of academic programs need support. Your program-designated gifts keep Ball State competitive and evolving.
Have you seen the newest buildings on campus? Learn more about supporting the facilities that create Ball State's beautiful landscape.
Once a Cardinal, always a Cardinal. Athletic-designated gifts help attract outstanding student-athletes to our classrooms and sports fields. #ChirpChirp
The Women of Beneficence is a women’s collaborative philanthropic group created to support and fund innovative projects and programs at Ball State University – impacting students and benefiting our local, national, and international communities.
Our annual report provides a one-year and historic view of your generous giving to Ball State, along with the Foundation’s investment returns and support to the University.
As you plan for your future, consider ours. By choosing today to give to Ball State tomorrow, you are making our university financially sound for years to come. We are here to inform you about the many planned giving options available to help you make a lasting impact on Ball State.