University Funded Plans

Ball State employees participate in one of three university funded retirement plans:

  • Alternate Pension Plan (APP)
  • Indiana State Teachers Retirement Fund (TRF)
  • Public Employees Retirement Fund (PERF)

Upon eligibility, Faculty and Professional Employees may choose between the following two plans:

If the Office of Payroll and Employee Benefits does not receive an affirmative election for the APP within 60 calendar days of their eligibility date then the employee will be enrolled in the default Indiana Teachers Retirement Fund (TRF). 

As of their first eligibility date Staff and Service employees are automatically enrolled in the following retirement plan:

Voluntary Retirement Plans

The University offers two voluntary retirement plans to help employees reach their retirement savings goals:

The Ball State University Phased Retirement Program is designed to give professional and staff employees an opportunity for pre-retirement reduction of full-time service while phasing into retirement over a period not to exceed three years.

Interested professional or staff personnel may submit a request to participate in the Phased Retirement Program at any time. Professional and staff should apply with as much advance notice as practical.

On December 17, 2021, the phased retirement was closed to faculty members for the indefinite future.

For more information, reference the Phased Retirement webpage and FAQs.

Retiring from Ball State University

If you are considering retiring from Ball State University learn more about eligibility and Retiree Benefits.