Salary Grade 1-12
Years of Service Fiscal Year
(July 1-June 30)
Monthly Maximum
0-4 years 144 hours
(18 days)
12 hours
(1.5 days)
144 hours
(18 days)
5+ 192 hours
(24 days)
16 hours
(2 days)
192 hours
(24 days)
Salary Grade 13+
Years of Service Fiscal Year
(July 1-June 30)
Monthly Maximum
0+ years 192 hours
(24 days)
16 hours
(2 days)
(24 days)
  • Vacation days are accrued beginning on the employee’s effective date of employment.
  • Vacation days are calculated based on a minimum of 15 workdays in the month; 10-14 work days receive 1/2 accrual; less than work days no accrual for the month.  
  • Vacation days are not available for use until the beginning of the calendar month following completion of your 90-day probationary period.
  • Vacation days are to be used in full day (8) or half-day (4) increments only unless on an approved FMLA.
  • Accruals are loaded into UKG on a biweekly basis, every other Friday (non pay-day).
  • New fiscal years accruals are added in July and can be used beginning July 1st.
  • Vacation days are to be used during the 14-month period commencing with July 1 of each fiscal year and culminating on August 31.
  • If employed less than full time, vacation days are reduced proportionately.
  • Upon resignation, vacation days are reduced based on last day worked; you will be paid any remaining unused vacation to which you are entitled.
Time Off
Years of Service F/T Academic Year Monthly Maximum
ALL 160 hours
(20 days)
16 hours
(2 days)
Personal Days for Burris and Indiana Academy Personal Days
Academic Year - Spring Semester Days Hours
August (Academic Year) 3 Days 24 – NO CARRY OVER
January (Spring Semester Only) 1.5 Days 12 – NO CARRY OVER
  • Vacation for 10-month Professional (P5) is paid out in full at the end of employment.
  • Personal Days are not paid out.
Time Off
Assignment Fiscal Year Monthly Maximum
Fiscal Year 192 hours
(24 days)
16 hours
(2 days)
192 hours
(24 days)
Academic Year 160 hours
(20 days)
16 hours
(2 days)
160 hours
(20 days)
Vacation Proration by Fiscal Year
Years of Service Fiscal Year Monthly Maximum
1+ Years 24 days 2 days 192 Hours

July > 15 work days

24 days

2 days

192 Hours

July < 15 work days

23 days

1 day

184 Hours

August > 15 work days

22 days

2 days

176 Hours

August < 15 work days

21 days

1 day

168 Hours

September > 15 works days

20 days

2 days

160 Hours

September < 15 work days

19 days

1 day

152 Hours
October > 15 work days 18 days 2 days 144 Hours

October < 15 work days

17 days 1 day 136 Hours
November > 15 work days 16 days 2 days 128 Hours
November < 15 work days 15 days 1 day 120 Hours
December > 15 days 14 days 2 days 112 Hours
December < 15 work days 13 days 1 day 104 Hours
January > 15 work days 12 days 2 days 96 Hours
January < 15 work days 11 days 1 day 88 Hours
February > 15 work days 10 days 2 days 80 Hours
February < 15 work days 9 days 1 day 72 Hours
March > 15 work days 8 days 2 days 64 Hours
March < 15 work days 7 days 1 day 56 Hours
April > 15 work days 6 days 2 days 48 Hours
April < 15 work days 5 days 1 day 40 Hours
May > 15 work days 4 days 2 days 32 Hours
May < 15 work days 3 days 1 day 24 Hours
June > 15 work days 2 days 2 days 16 Hours
June < 15 work days 1 day 1 day 8 Hours
  • Vacation days are accrued beginning on an employee’s effective date of employment.
  • Vacation days are calculated based on a minimum of 15 work days in the month; 10- 14 work days receive ½ accrual; less than 10 work days no accrual received for the month.
  • Vacation days are to be reported in full day (8) or half-day (4) increments only unless on an approved FMLA.
  • Accruals are loaded into UKG on a biweekly basis, every other Friday (non pay-day).
  • New fiscal years accruals are added in July and can be used beginning July 1st.
  • Vacation days are to be used during the 14-month period commencing with July 1 of each fiscal year and culminating on August 31.
  • If employed less than full time, vacation days are reduced proportionately.
  • Upon resignation, vacation days are reduced based on last day worked in the same manner they are accrued.
  • Upon resignation, you will be paid for unused vacation to which you are entitled.
  • If vacation days taken exceed the number to which you are entitled, your final paycheck will be reduced accordingly.
Salary Grade 1 through 10
Years of Service Rate per hour in pay status* x 80 hours







11 plus



Salary Grade 11 and 12
Years of Service Rate per hour in pay status* x 80 hours




6 plus



Salary Grade 13 and above
Years of Service Rate per hour in pay status* x 80 hours

0 plus



*Pay status hours include: regular, vacation, sick, funeral, holiday, jury, comp time used, injured on the job, FML paid codes.

*Pay status hours exclude: overtime, earned comp time, emergency leave, holiday worked, holiday scheduled day off

  • Vacation accruals are effective with first date of eligible employment and available for review in SSB by going to Employee, Leave Balances. 
  • Vacation accruals are displayed in SSB as “Banked” during the probationary period.
  • Vacation is not available to use until the first full pay period following the completion of the probationary period and the hours will be displayed in UKG on the pay date of eligibility. 
  • Available vacation hours will be displayed in SSB as “Available Balance as of (date)”.  The balance is as of the end of the pay period for the most recent pay issued.
  • Vacation balance in UKG is displayed in minutes, example :15, :30, :45
  • Vacation balance in SSB is displayed in hundredths, example .25, .50, .75
  • Vacation may be used in quarter hour increments.
  • Fiscal year is July 1 through June 30.
  • Vacation Prior FY (fiscal year) should be used by June 30 of the current fiscal year; the balance is displayed in SSB as “Available Balances as of (date)”.
  • Any remaining balance left over after June 30 in the Vacation Prior FY will be lost.
  • Vacation Current FY (fiscal year) has to be used by June 30 of the following fiscal year.
  • The combined balance of prior and current FY is the total vacation balance available.
  • In case of resignation, any remaining vacation balances will be paid out 100% and will be issued on your last pay date as a separate deposit.
  • In the case of retirement, any remaining vacation balances will be paid out 100% along with your last pay as one deposit.
  • The first pay period following the completion of two years of continuous employment from the employee’s effective date of hire.
  • Vacation is accrued at the rate of .0461538 of an hour for each hour in pay status excluding overtime.
  • Available vacation hours will be displayed in SSB as “Available Balance as of (date)”.  The balance is as of the end of the pay period for the most recent pay issued.
  • Vacation balance in UKG is displayed in minutes, example :15, :30, :45
  • Vacation balance in SSB is displayed in hundredths, example .25, .50, .75
  • Vacation may be used in quarter hour increments.
  • Vacation Prior FY (fiscal year) should be used by June 30 of the current fiscal year; the balance is displayed in SSB as “Available Balances as of (date)”.
  • Any remaining balance left over after June 30 in the Vacation Prior FY will be lost.
  • Vacation Current FY (fiscal year) has to be used by June 30 of the following fiscal year.
  • Fiscal year is July 1 through June 30.
  • The combined balance of prior and current FY is the total vacation balance available.
  • In case of resignation, any remaining vacation balances will be paid out 100% and will be issued on your last pay date as a separate deposit.
Years of Service Fiscal Year Monthly Maximum
All 96 hours
(12 days)
8 hours
(1 day)
720 hours
(90 days)
  • Sick days are accrued beginning on the employee’s effective date of employment.
  • Sick days are not available for use until the completion of your probationary period.
  • Sick days are to be used in full-day (8) or half-day (4) increments only unless on an approved FMLA.
  • You may use up to 10 days per fiscal year for the care of a family member.
  • Sick days are calculated based on 15 workdays in the month.
  • If employed less than full time, sick days are reduced proportionately.
  • Accruals are loaded into UKG on a biweekly basis, every other Friday (non pay-day). 
  • New fiscal year accruals are added to UKG in July and can be used beginning July 1.
  • Accrued sick days are not paid out upon resignation, termination, or death of the employee.
  • Accrued sick days are paid out at 66% of available balance upon retirement. 
Time Off
Years of Service F/T Academic Year Monthly Maximum
All 96 hours
(12 days)
8 hours
(1 day)
720 hours
(90 days)
Time Off
Years of Service P/T Academic Year Monthly Maximum
All 48 hours
(6 days)
4 hours
(1/2 day)
720 hours
(90 days)
Sick Proration by F/T Academic Year
Start of F/T Academic Year Days Hours
August 12 Days 96 Hours
Sick Proration by F/T Academic Year
Fall Semester Days Hours
August 12 half days 48 Hours
Sick Proration by P/T Academic Year
Spring Semester Days Hours
January 12 half days 48 Hours
  • Sick days are provided beginning on the employee’s effective date of employment.
  • Sick days are calculated based on a minimum of 15 work days in a month for the full amount; 10-14 work days receive ½ allotted days; less than 10 work days do not receive accruals for that month.
  • Sick days must be reported in full-day (8) or half-day (4) increments unless on an approved FMLA.
  • Employees may use up to 10 sick days per fiscal year for the care of a family member.
  • If employed less than full time, sick days are reduced proportionately.
  • Accruals are loaded into UKG on a biweekly basis, every other Friday (non pay-day). 
  • New fiscal year accruals are added to UKG in July and can be used beginning July 1.
  • Accrued sick days are not paid out upon resignation, termination, or death of the employee.
  • Accrued sick days are not paid out upon retirement. 
Time Off
Years of Service Fiscal Year Monthly Maximum
All 96 hours
(12 days)
8 hours
(1 day)
720 hours
(90 days)
Sick Proration by Fiscal Year
Years of Service Fiscal Year Maximum
1+ Years 12 days 96 Hours

July > 15 work days

12 days

96 Hours

July < 15 work days

11.5 days

92 Hours

August > 15 work days

11 days

88 Hours

August < 15 work days

10.5 days

84 Hours

September > 15 works days

10 days

80 Hours

September < 15 work days

9.5 days 76 Hours
October > 15 work days 9 days 72 Hours

October < 15 work days

8.5 days 68 Hours
November > 15 work days 8 days 64 Hours
November < 15 work days 7.5 days 60 Hours
December > 15 days 7 days 56 Hours
December < 15 work days 6.5 days 52 Hours
January > 15 work days 6 days 48 Hours
January < 15 work days 5.5 days 44 Hours
February > 15 work days 5 days 40 Hours
February < 15 work days 4.5 days 36 Hours
March > 15 work days 4 days 32 Hours
March < 15 work days 3.5 days 28 Hours
April > 15 work days 3 days 24 Hours
April < 15 work days 2.5 days 20 Hours
May > 15 work days 2 days 16 Hours
May < 15 work days 1.5 days 12 Hours
June > 15 work days 1 days 8 Hours
June < 15 work days .5 days 4 Hours
  • Sick days are provided beginning on the employee’s effective date of employment.
  • Sick days are calculated based on a minimum of 15 work days in a month for the full amount; 10-14 work days receive ½ allotted days; less than 10 work days do not receive accruals for that month.
  • Sick days must be reported in full-day (8) or half-day (4) increments unless on an approved FMLA.
  • Employees may use up to 10 sick days per fiscal year for the care of a family member.
  • If employed less than full time, sick days are reduced proportionately.
  • Accruals are loaded into UKG on a biweekly basis, every other Friday (non pay-day). 
  • New fiscal year accruals are added to UKG in July and can be used beginning July 1.
  • Accrued sick days are not paid out upon termination.
  • Accrued sick days are paid out at 66% of available balance upon retirement if hired before 7/1/1985. 
Salary Grade 1 through 10
Years of Service Rate per hour in pay status* x 80 hours
0-2 .0230769 1.85
3 plus .0461538 3.69
Salary Grade 11 and above
Years of Service Rate per hour in pay status* x 80 hours
0 plus .0461538 3.69

* Pay status hours include: regular, vacation, sick, funeral, holiday, jury, comp time used, injured on the job, FML paid codes.

* Pay status hours exclude: overtime, earned comp time, emergency leave, holiday worked, holiday scheduled day off

  • Sick leave accruals are effective with first date of eligible employment and available for review in SSB by going to Employee, Leave Balances. 
  • Sick leave accruals are displayed in SSB as “Banked” during the probationary period.
  • Sick leave is not available to use until the first full pay period following the completion of the probationary period and will be displayed in Kronos on the first pay date of eligibility.
  • A maximum of 720 hours of unused sick leave may be accumulated.
  • Sick leave may not be granted for any reason other than for an absence due to illness or injury of the employee or for the care of a family member.
  • Up to 80 hours of sick leave per fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) may be used for your dental or medical appointments or for the care of a family member during the illness of that family member.
  • Available sick hours will be displayed in SSB as “Available Balance as of (date)”.  The balance is as of the end of the pay period for the most recent pay issued.
  • Sick leave balance in UKG is displayed in minutes, example :15, :30, :45
  • Sick leave balance in SSB is displayed in hundredths, example .25, .50, .75
  • Sick leave may be used in quarter hour increments.
  • Accruals are loaded into UKG on a biweekly basis, every other Friday (non-pay day). 
  • New fiscal year accruals are added to Kronos in July and can be used beginning July 1.
  • Accrued sick days are not paid out upon resignation, termination, or death of the employee.
  • Accrued sick days are paid out at 66% of available balance upon retirement. 
  • The first pay period following the completion of two years of continuous employment from the employee’s effective part time date of hire.
  • PTO is accrued at the rate of .0461538 of an hour for each hour in pay status excluding overtime.
  • Available PTO hours will be displayed in SSB as “Available Balance as of (date)”.  The balance is as of the end of the pay period for the most recent pay issued.
  • PTO balance in UKG is displayed in minutes, example :15, :30, :45
  • PTO balance in SSB is displayed in hundredths, example .25, .50, .75
  • PTO must be used in half hour increments.
  • PTO Prior FY (fiscal year) should be used by June 30 of the current fiscal year; the balance is displayed in SSB as “Available Balances as of (date)”.
  • Any remaining balance left over after June 30 in the PTO Prior FY will be lost.
  • PTO Current FY (fiscal year) has to be used by June 30 of the following fiscal year.
  • Fiscal year is July 1 through June 30.
  • The combined balance of prior and current FY is the total PTO balance available.
  • In case of resignation, any remaining PTO balances will be paid out 100% and will be issued on your last pay date as a separate deposit.
Service Bargaining Unit
Years of Service Rate per hour in pay status* x 80 hours










15 plus



No text in field]

* Pay status hours include: regular, PTO, IPB, funeral, holiday, jury duty, call back, injured on the job, military short leave, FML paid codes.  

* Pay status hours exclude: overtime, emergency leave, holiday worked, holiday scheduled day off

  • PTO accruals are effective with first date of eligible employment.  
  • PTO accrual balances are displayed in SSB by going to Employee, Leave Balances.
  • PTO is available to use as soon as it is earned and reported on their paycheck stub in SSB.  
  • Available PTO hours will be displayed in SSB as “Available Balance as of (date)”.  The balance is as of the end of the pay period for the most recent pay issued.
  • PTO balance in UKG is displayed in minutes, example :15, :30, :45
  • PTO balance in SSB is displayed in hundredths, example .25, .50, .75
  • PTO may be used in half hour increments.
  • PTO Prior FY (fiscal year) should be used by June 30 of the current fiscal year; the balance is displayed in SSB as “Available Balances as of (date)”.
  • Any PTO Prior FY balance that would be lost because it was not used by June 30 will be automatically transferred to the employee’s IPB account up to a maximum of 40 hours.
  • PTO Current FY (fiscal year) has to be used by June 30 of the following fiscal year.
  • Fiscal year is July 1 through June 30.
  • The combined balance of prior FY and current FY is the total PTO balance available.
  • Near the end of each fiscal year, employees have the option of placing up to 40 hours of their accrued PTO into their IPB.
  • In case of resignation, any remaining PTO balances will be paid out 100% and will be issued on your last pay date as a separate deposit.
  • In the case of retirement, any remaining PTO balances will be paid out 100% along with your last pay as one deposit.

The following holidays are recognized as university holidays:

The additional holiday is to be celebrated on a day declared by the president of the university.

On the last university workday preceding Thanksgiving, workdays for regular, full-time employees are normally reduced by four hours.

On the last university workday preceding Christmas Day and New Year's Day, workdays for regular, full-time employees are normally reduced by two hours.

For additional holiday guidance, please click here

View Holiday Calendar

Summer Hours:

Summer hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. begin Monday, May 6, 2024 and end Friday, August 9, 2024.

The following holidays are recognized as university holidays:

The additional holiday is to be celebrated on a day declared by the president of the university.

On the last university workday preceding Thanksgiving, workdays for regular, full-time employees are normally reduced by four hours.

On the last university workday preceding Christmas Day and New Year's Day, workdays for regular, full-time employees are normally reduced by two hours.

For additional holiday guidance, please click here

View Holiday Calendar

Summer Hours:

Summer hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. begin Monday, May 6, 2024 and end Friday, August 9, 2024.


Employees are eligible for holiday pay if their pay status is 40 hours (including the holiday pay) during the week of the designated holiday.  Employees who are on paid parental leave are not eligible for holiday pay. 

Anyone who terminates employment will not receive pay for holidays occurring after the last day worked even though the holidays fall within the period of the employee's projected terminal vacation leave (if any). 

The following holidays are recognized as university holidays:

The additional holiday is to be celebrated on a day declared by the president of the university.

On the last university workday preceding Thanksgiving, workdays for regular, full-time employees are normally reduced by four hours.

On the last university workday preceding Christmas Day and New Year's Day, workdays for regular, full-time employees are normally reduced by two hours.

For additional holiday guidance, please click here

View Holiday Calendar

Summer Hours:

Summer hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. begin Monday, May 6, 2024 and end Friday, August 9, 2024.


Employees are eligible for holiday pay if their pay status is 40 hours (including the holiday pay) during the week of the designated holiday.  Employees who are on paid parental leave are not eligible for holiday pay. 

Anyone who terminates employment will not receive pay for holidays occurring after the last day worked even though the holidays fall within the period of the employee's projected terminal vacation leave (if any). 

The following holidays are recognized as university holidays:

The additional holiday is to be celebrated on a day declared by the president of the university.

On the last university workday preceding Thanksgiving, workdays for regular, full-time employees are normally reduced by four hours.

On the last university workday preceding Christmas Day and New Year's Day, workdays for regular, full-time employees are normally reduced by two hours.

For additional holiday guidance, please click here

View Holiday Calendar

Summer Hours:

Summer hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. begin Monday, May 6, 2024 and end Friday, August 9, 2024.


Payment for the above university holidays will be based upon the part-time employee's total number of scheduled hours that fall upon the university designated holiday. 

A regular, part-time employee whose normal scheduled workday falls on a university designated holiday will be eligible to receive holiday pay for the hours they normally would have been scheduled to work up to a maximum of six hours.  If that part-time employee is scheduled to work anything greater than six hours, they will only receive six hours of holiday pay.    


The employee must be normally scheduled to work on the day of holiday to qualify for holiday pay. 

Casual and Substitute employees are not eligible for holiday pay.

Any corrections regarding holiday pay will be made on the employee's next regular paycheck. 

If an employee terminates employment, no pay will be received for holidays occurring after the last day worked even though the holidays fall within the period of the employee's projected terminal vacation leave if any. 

Regular, part-time employees who are normally scheduled to work between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. on the day(s) the university closes early prior to certain holidays will not suffer a loss of earnings due to the early closing. 

Housing and Dining Employees

Because of the unusual schedule followed by residence halls and dining facilities, the holiday procedure does not apply to these regular, part-time staff members. 

Part-time staff working in residence halls, Dining Services, University Banquet and Catering, or University Food Court should check with their supervisors regarding holiday pay practices in those three areas.

Part-time service personnel employees working in residence halls, Dining Services, University Banquet and Catering, or University Food Court should check with their supervisors regarding holiday pay practices in those three areas. 

For Part-time Service Employees Hired on December 1, 2002, or After

The following holidays are recognized as university holidays:

The additional holiday is to be celebrated on a day declared by the president of the university.

On the last university workday preceding Thanksgiving, workdays for regular, full-time employees are normally reduced by four hours.

On the last university workday preceding Christmas Day and New Year's Day, workdays for regular, full-time employees are normally reduced by two hours.

For additional holiday guidance, please click here

View Holiday Calendar

Summer Hours:

Summer hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. begin Monday, May 6, 2024 and end Friday, August 9, 2024.


Payment for the above university holidays will be based upon the part-time employee's total number of scheduled hours that fall upon the university designated holiday.  

A regular, part-time employee whose normal scheduled workday falls on a university designated holiday will be eligible to receive holiday pay for the hours they normally would have been scheduled to work up to a maximum of six hours.  If that part-time employee is scheduled to work anything greater than six hours, they will only receive six hours of holiday pay.    


The employee must be normally scheduled to work on the day of holiday to qualify for holiday pay. 

Casual and Substitute employees are not eligible for holiday pay.

Any corrections regarding holiday pay will be made on the employee's next regular paycheck. 

If an employee terminates employment, no pay will be received for holidays occurring after the last day worked even though the holidays fall within the period of the employee's projected terminal vacation leave if any. 

Regular, part-time service employees who are normally scheduled to work between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. on the day(s) the university closes early prior to certain holidays will not suffer a loss of earnings due to the early closing. 

Housing and dining employees

Because of the unusual schedule followed by residence halls and dining facilities, the holiday procedure does not apply to these regular, part-time service personnel. 

For Part-time Service Employees Hired on November 30, 2002, or Before


Payment for the above university holidays will be granted on a prorated basis dependent upon the part-time employee's total number of hours worked during the preceding 30 days (or nearest 30 days tracked in the Human Resources Information System) provided:

The employee has been on staff at least 30 calendar days immediately preceding the holiday and

The employee is in pay status the last "regularly scheduled" workday preceding the first "regularly scheduled" workday following the holiday. 

"Regularly scheduled" means that the employee was in pay status the last normal workday before the holiday and the first normal workday after the holiday. For example, if the holiday is Friday and the employee was in pay status (vacation or sick leave, if available, or working) the last normal scheduled workday of Wednesday before the holiday and the employee was in pay status (vacation or sick leave, if available, or working) the first normal scheduled workday of Tuesday after the holiday, then the employee would qualify for holiday pay. The key is that the employee must actually work or use vacation or sick leave, if available. A supervisor is not to re-arrange an employee's regular work schedule for the sole purpose of paying the employee holiday pay.

It is the responsibility of the supervisor to record on the time sheet whether or not holiday pay is to be granted. If the time sheet has been signed and forwarded to be paid, it will be processed based on the supervisor's approval or denial of holiday pay. Any corrections regarding holiday pay will be made on the employee's next paycheck. 

If the employee terminates employment, no pay will be received for holidays occurring after the last day worked even though the holidays fall within the period of the employee's projected terminal vacation leave if any. 

Regular, part-time employees who are normally scheduled to work between 3 and 5 p.m. on the day(s) the university closes early prior to certain holidays will not suffer a loss of earnings due to the early closing. 

Because of the unusual schedule followed by Residence Halls Dining Service (RHDS), this procedure does not apply to RHDS regular, part-time service personnel.

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993

Fact Sheet for Ball State University Employees

What Is the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)?

FMLA requires covered employers, including Ball State, to provide up to 12 weeks during a “leave year” of unpaid, job-protected leave to “eligible” employees for specified family and medical reasons. The university defines the “leave year” as a rolling 12-month period measured backward from the date an employee uses any Family and Medical Leave (FML). A new “leave year” is calculated each time FML is used.

The law contains provisions on employer coverage, employee eligibility for the law’s benefits, entitlement to leave, maintenance of health benefits during leave, job restoration after leave, notice and certification of the need for FML, and protection for employees who request or take FML. The law also requires employers to keep certain records.

Who Is Covered?

To be eligible for FMLA benefits, an employee must meet all three of the following requirements:

  • have worked for the university for a total of 12 months (it does not need to be consecutive)
  • have worked for the university at least 1,250 hours during the past 12 months
  • have a balance of FML leave entitlement

Allowed Reasons for Leave

Ball State will grant an eligible employee up to a total of 12 workweeks of unpaid leave during a leave year for one or more of the following reasons:

  • the birth and care of the newborn child of the employee
  • the placement with the employee of a son or daughter for adoption or foster care
  • to care for an immediate family member (spouse, child, parent, or qualified same-sex domestic partner) with a serious health condition
  • the employee is unable to work because of a serious health condition
  • any qualifying exigency (“as the Secretary [of Labor] shall, by regulation, determine”) arising out of the fact that the spouse, son, daughter, or parent of the employee is on active duty (or has been notified of an impending call or order to active duty) in the Armed Forces in support of a contingency operation

Leave for birth and care or placement for adoption or foster care must conclude within 12 months of the birth or placement.

Ball State University will grant an eligible employee up to a total of 26 workweeks of unpaid leave during a leave year for the following reason:

“To care for the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, parent, qualified same-sex domestic partner, or next of kin who is a “member of the Armed Forces, including some qualifying veterans, or is a member of the National Guard or Reserves, who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy, is otherwise in outpatient status, or is otherwise on the temporary disability retired list, for a serious injury or illness.”

What Qualifies as a ‘Serious Health Condition?'

“Serious health condition” means an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves:

  1. Hospitalization and Subsequent Treatment—Any period of incapacity involving an overnight stay in a hospital or residential medical care facility, and any period of incapacity or subsequent treatment in connection with such inpatient care; or
  2. Absence Plus Treatment—A period of incapacity (i.e., inability to work, attend school or perform other regular daily activities) for more than three consecutive calendar days and also involves either:
    1. treatment two or more times by a health care provider; or
    2. treatment one time by a health care provider followed by a continuing regimen of treatment.
  3. Pregnancy and Prenatal Care—Any period of incapacity. A visit to a health care provider is not necessary for each absence.
  4. Chronic Conditions—Any period of incapacity due to a chronic condition which:
    1. requires periodic visits for treatment
    2. continues over an extended period of time
    3. may cause episodic rather than continuous incapacity. A visit to a health care provider is not necessary for each absence. Examples are asthma or diabetes.
  5. Permanent/Long Term Condition—A period of incapacity which is permanent or long-term due to a condition for which treatment may not be effective. The employee or family member must be under the continuing supervision of, but need not be receiving active treatment by, a health care provider. Examples include Alzheimer’s, a severe stroke, or the terminal stages of a disease.
  6. Conditions requiring Multiple Treatments—Any period of incapacity for restorative surgery or for conditions that if left untreated would result in incapacity of more than three consecutive calendar days.

Intermittent Leave

Under some circumstances, employees may take FML intermittently, which means taking leave in blocks of time, or by reducing their normal weekly or daily work schedules.

FML may be taken intermittently whenever medically necessary to care for a seriously ill family member or because the employee is seriously ill and unable to work. 

When intermittent leave is needed to care for an immediate family member or the employee’s own illness and is for planned medical treatment, the employee must try to schedule leave so as not to unduly disrupt the employer’s operation. 

Paid Leave—What about Vacation and Sick Leave?

For faculty, professional, and staff personnel, only the employee’s remaining balance of sick leave for the care of a family member (ten days per year) may be substituted for the unpaid FML when the FML is for the care of a family member. Under university policy, when an employee uses FML for his or her own health condition, accrued sick leave will be applied during the FML; however, using accrued vacation during the FML is the employee’s option after the exhaustion of accrued sick leave.

Service Personnel

University service personnel (Bargaining Unit) may use scheduled PTO (paid time off), accrued time from their IPB (income protection bank), or unpaid leave (or any combination of the three options) for any FML for their own serious health condition. Service personnel may use scheduled PTO (paid time off), or use unpaid leave (or a combination of the two) for any FML taken for the care of a family member during the family member’s serious health condition, for the care of a newborn child, newly adopted child, or a newly placed foster child. If your disability continues for more than 8 calendar days, you may be eligible for Short-Term Disability Pay (STDP); contact The Hartford at 1-800-741-4306 to apply. 

Maintaining Health Benefits

Ball State University will maintain group health insurance coverage for an employee on FML who was actively covered by our Plan at the time the leave begins with no change in the benefit as long as the employee share of the premium is paid. 

It is the employee’s responsibility to make arrangements with the Office of Payroll Operations and Employee Benefits (765-285-8461) to pay his or her share of health insurance premiums while on leave. In some instances the university may recover premiums it paid to maintain health coverage for an employee who fails to return to work from FML. If possible, the employee should schedule a time to meet with the Benefits staff before the FML begins to understand how their benefits will be affected during the leave of absence.

Will I be Able to Return to my Same Job?

Except for certain employees designated as “key” employees, an employee must be restored to his or her original job or to an equivalent job with equivalent pay, benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment upon return from FML.

In addition, an employee’s use of FML cannot result in the loss of any employment benefit that the employee earned or was entitled to before using FML. 

How to Provide Notice and Certification

An employee seeking to use FML is required to provide 30-day advance notice of the need to take FML when the need is foreseeable and such notice is practicable (i.e., a planned inpatient surgery). When the need for leave (an absence from work) is unforeseeable, the employee must give notice as soon as practicable. 

Ball State University may also require an employee to provide:

  • medical certification supporting the medical need for leave due to a serious health condition of the employee or the employee’s family member
  • second or third medical opinions (at the university’s expense)
  • periodic recertification every 30 days unless the initial period of incapacity certified by the health care provider is longer than 30 days
  • periodic reports during the leave regarding the employee’s status and intent to return to work
  • a “fitness-for-duty” certificate from the health care provider and a clearance from University Health Center before a return to work

Contact the HR Solutions Center (765-285-1834) if you have questions or would like to request Family and Medical Leave.

Special Note for Faculty

Faculty are reminded that any leave request other than special assigned leave is separate from the tenure and promotion process. Specifically, faculty members requesting FML, or any other leave of absence from the university, will need to work with their unit heads to discuss and complete any request to stop/extend their probationary period.


A full-time employee will be allowed five (5) workdays time off with pay in the event of a death of the employee’s spouse, parent, or child.

An employee will be allowed three (3) workdays time off with pay in the event of a death of the employee’s:

Blood Relatives: Step Relatives: In-Laws:
Brother Step-father Father-in-law
Sister Step-mother Mother-in-law
Grandmother Step-son Son-in-law
Grandfather Step-daughter Daughter-in-law
Great Grandmother
Great Grandfather
Great Grandchild

An employee will be allowed one (1) day time off with pay in the event of the death of an employee’s other relatives defined as:

Relatives: Step Relatives: In-Laws:
Uncle Step-father-in-law Brother-in-law
Aunt Step-mother-in-law Sister-in-law
Nephew Step-sibling
Niece Step-grandparent

If an employee is on a paid or unpaid leave at the time of death of the above family members, bereavement leave is not available to that employee with two exceptions:

  • Exception One:
    If an employee has taken an emergency leave, a non-intermittent Family and Medical Leave, or sick leave to care for a qualified family member, that leave terminates upon the death of the qualified family member and funeral leave would be available.
  • Exception Two:
    The employee is on intermittent Family and Medical Leave.

Bereavement Leave may be granted to attend the funeral of a fellow employee. Such time off must be approved by the department head and Employee Relations and will be limited to the employees in the same work unit as the deceased employee. The interpretation of work unit will be the responsibility of the department head. Essential services must be maintained.

Part-time and temporary staff, part-time and temporary service, casual, and substitute employees are not eligible for paid bereavement leave; however, supervisors may approve unpaid time off work within the above stated time limits based upon the relationship to our employee.

An employee can enter Bereavement Leave directly on their timecard in UKG or they may submit a time off request for the Bereavement Leave, both options are routed to the employee’s supervisor for approval. A comment and a note need added indicating the name of the deceased and the relationship to the deceased.

A UKG Timekeeper/Supervisor can enter the Bereavement Leave directly on the timecard. A comment and a note need added indicating the name of the deceased and the relationship of the deceased to the employee.

A leave of absence without pay of up to six months during a "leave year" may be granted when such a leave is necessary for an employee to provide care for a member of the employee's immediate family or household suffering from a serious health condition.

Employees may be paid up to five days (40 hours) of sick leave during each fiscal year for absences related to the care of a member of the employee's immediate family or household. The employee will be required to provide medical certification to substantiate the medical necessity for the employee's absence from work.

To the extent that the emergency leave is also a Family and Medical Leave qualifying leave, it will run concurrently with Family and Medical Leave. Benefits may be continued during an emergency leave. For eligibility information and to request leave of absence forms, please contact  the HR Solutions Center (765-285-1834).

Special Note for Faculty

Faculty are reminded that any leave request other than special assigned leave is separate from the tenure and promotion process. Specifically, faculty members requesting FML, or any other leave of absence from the university, will need to work with their unit heads to discuss and complete any request to stop/extend their probationary period.

A leave of absence will be granted to an employee who is called to a tour of training duty. An eligible employee is entitled to a military leave of absence with pay not to exceed 15 calendar days in any one calendar year. The maximum number of paid military leave days in any one calendar year is 10. Evidence, such as military orders, must be submitted to University Human Resource Services before approval for pay will be given.

Active duty military leave of more than 15 calendar days will be without pay. Military Leave without pay of up to and including 5 years may be granted after the date of induction, enlistment, or call to active duty.

Benefit plans may be continued during military leave. For eligibility information and to request leave of absence forms, please contact  the HR Solutions Center (765-285-1834).

Special Note for Faculty

Faculty are reminded that any leave request other than special assigned leave is separate from the tenure and promotion process. Specifically, faculty members requesting FML, or any other leave of absence from the university, will need to work with their unit heads to discuss and complete any request to stop/extend their probationary period.

A leave of absence without pay of up to 10 working days will be granted to the following employees related to anyone ordered to active duty in the United States armed forces or the National Guard:

  • spouse
  • parent (defined as biological father or mother, adoptive father or mother, or a court appointed guardian or custodian)
  • grandparent (defined as biological grandparent)
  • sibling (defined as brother or sister by blood, half blood or adoption)

The employee must have been employed by Ball State University for at least 12 months and have worked at least 1,500 hours during the 12-month period immediately preceding the day the leave begins.

The employee is expected to provide written notice and a copy of the active duty orders if available before taking the leave.

The employee may take the leave of absence during one or more of the following periods:

  • 30 days before active duty orders are in effect
  • a period in which the person ordered to active duty is on leave while active duty orders are in effect
  • 30 days after the active duty orders are terminated

An employee taking such leave is to be restored to the position the employee held before the leave or to an equivalent position. Also, the employee may continue the employee's health care benefits with the university continuing to pay 75 percent of the premium contribution. An employee may be eligible for childcare assistance from the Indiana Military Family Relief Fund.

Special Note for Faculty

Faculty are reminded that any leave request other than special assigned leave is separate from the tenure and promotion process. Specifically, faculty members requesting FML, or any other leave of absence from the university, will need to work with their unit heads to discuss and complete any request to stop/extend their probationary period.

A leave of absence without pay of up to six months may be granted when a leave is mutually convenient for the employee and the university, provided a replacement is not required.

If the employee fails to return to work at the university on or before the expiration of the mutual leave, the employee will be considered to have resigned from the university. If the employee fails to return to work at the university at the end of the leave and work for a period of time equal to the length of the leave, he or she must repay the portion of the benefit costs paid by the university during the mutual leave.

Benefit plans may be continued during mutual leave.

For eligibility information and to request leave of absence forms, please contact  the HR Solutions Center (765-285-1834).

Special Note for Faculty

Faculty are reminded that any leave request other than special assigned leave is separate from the tenure and promotion process. Specifically, faculty members requesting FML, or any other leave of absence from the university, will need to work with their unit heads to discuss and complete any request to stop/extend their probationary period.

Faculty, Professional, and Staff Employees Parental Leave

Special Note for Faculty

Faculty are reminded that any leave request other than special assigned leave is separate from the tenure and promotion process. Specifically, faculty members requesting FML, or any other leave of absence from the university, will need to work with their unit heads to discuss and complete any request to stop/extend their probationary period.

Service Employees Parental Leave


A leave of absence without pay of up to three months may be granted under special circumstances. Personal leave for staff and service personnel may be extended an additional three months, not to exceed six months duration. Faculty and professional personnel may be granted a personal leave that is not to exceed one calendar year.

If the employee fails to return to work at the university on or before the expiration of the personal leave, the employee will be considered to have resigned from the university.

Benefit plans are not continued during a personal leave. Personal leave is not considered leave entitlement under the Family and Medical Leave Act. For eligibility information and to request leave of absence forms, please contact  the HR Solutions Center (765-285-1834).

Special Note for Faculty

Faculty are reminded that any leave request other than special assigned leave is separate from the tenure and promotion process. Specifically, faculty members requesting FML, or any other leave of absence from the university, will need to work with their unit heads to discuss and complete any request to stop/extend their probationary period.

A leave of absence without pay of up to and including 12 months may be granted to an eligible employee to provide an opportunity to gain additional education and skills to better fulfill the specified responsibilities of an employee’s present or future position at the university.

An employee is eligible to apply for such a leave if the employee has been employed at least five years at the university. A Leave for Study requires the approval of the supervisor, department head, dean, or vice president, and University Human Resource Services. For an employee, with over five years of continuous full-time service, benefit plans may be continued during the leave for study.

General Requirements

In most cases, a leave for study must be one of the following:

  • related to the employee’s present position at the university
  • related to an employee’s potential development with the university
  • part of a program leading to a degree

Tuition Remission Programs

Under an approved unpaid leave for study, an eligible employee may use either the:

  • Employee Undergraduate Tuition Remission Program for faculty, professional, and staff personnel
  • Employee Graduate Educational Assistance Program for faculty, professional, and staff personnel

Eligible employees may enroll at Ball State for up to 18 credit hours per fall semester, up to 18 credit hours per spring semester, and up to 18 hours during any combination of summer terms for a maximum enrollment of 54 credit hours in a 12-month period.

Expiration Dates

If the employee fails to return to work at the university on or before the expiration of the leave for study, the employee will be considered to have resigned from the university.

If the employee fails to return to work at the university at the end of the leave and work for a period of time equal to the length of the leave, he or she must repay the portion of the benefit costs (including the fee remission programs) paid by the university during the leave for study.

More Information

For eligibility information and to request leave of absence forms, please contact  the HR Solutions Center (765-285-1834).

Special Note for Faculty

Faculty are reminded that any leave request other than special assigned leave is separate from the tenure and promotion process. Specifically, faculty members requesting FML, or any other leave of absence from the university, will need to work with their unit heads to discuss and complete any request to stop/extend their probationary period.