Dr. Jackie Grutsch McKinney
<b>Department: </b>English, Immersive Learning & High Impact Practices<br><b>Research Area: </b>Qualitative research on teaching and learning in higher education
Department: English, Immersive Learning & High Impact Practices
Research Focus: Qualitative research on teaching and learning in higher education
Potential Student Project(s):
I'd love to work with a student who could help with interviewing students and/or faculty about their teaching and learning experiences. Interviews would be one-to-one or in small groups. The student could also work with me on analyzing interview data to understand the impact of specific teaching and learning practices. Research could also involve class observations or document analysis.
Attributes/skills/background sought in undergraduate:
The student researcher should be a student who is curious about people and passionate about learning.
Mentoring Plan:
The student researcher will complete CITI training to be able to work with human subjects and will learn about best practices for qualitative interviewing. In weekly meetings, we'll plan the interview protocol, review transcripts, analyze data, and discuss findings. Outside of the weekly meetings, the student researcher will be expected to interview students and/or faculty and process the transcripts. The student researcher will be encouraged to present or publish on the findings. The student researcher will work 5 h/week on the project including a 1-on-1 interaction with me for at least 1 hour/week.
Contact: 765-285-2870, Oakwood 159-F