Dr. Anthony Vito
Dr. Anthony Vito
<b>Department: </b>Criminal Justice & Criminology<br><b>Research Area: </b>Policing, Death Penalty, Drug Use, and Criminological Theory<br>

Department: Criminal Justice & Criminology

Research Focus: Policing, Death Penalty, Drug Use, and Criminological Theory

Potential Student Project(s): I have access to a number of publicly available datasets related to the research focus areas discussed above. Some of the potential projects include:

  • Driving under the influence of marijuana amongst adolescents
  • Performance enhancing drug (PED) use amongst adolescents or adults
  • Police use of force
  • Racial profiling
  • Racial bias and death penalty executions in the S.

Attributes/skills/background sought in undergraduate:

  • Hardworking and passionate about the subject matter
  • Ability to read and summarize peer-reviewed journal articles
  • A desire to learn and apply statistics to understand issues related to criminal justice and criminology

Mentoring Plan:

I have worked with graduate students in the past on various research projects. The typical plan would go in the following order:

  • Finding a topic the student wishes to research
  • Finding a dataset or creating a survey to examine the issue
  • Review and summarize the literature on the topic
  • Work in conjunction with Vito on understanding what variables will be used, the recoding of variables, and learning the statistical analysis chosen
  • Working on the discussion and conclusion of the paper with emphasis on relevant policy implications based on the findings
  • Potentially presenting at a regional or national conference and also submitting the work for undergraduate award consideration
  • Submitting the article for publication

Contact: 765-285-2589, NQ 284