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© Center for Business and Economic Research, Ball State University.

Recent Work

Indiana Economic Outlook 2025 & The 2025 Forecast: A Strong Economy Moving to Uncertainty

This forecast was created by Ball State CBER as part of the 2025 Indiana Economic Outlook forecasting breakfast in downtown Muncie, IN, on Jan. 16, 2025.

Keynote presentation by David E. Altig, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. The 2025 keynote is sponsored by Flagship Enterprise Center. The 2025 program sponsor is Indiana Michigan Power.

Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits in Indiana

In this policy brief, we examine the history and impact of multiple historic rehabilitation tax credit programs, and we analyze several decades of HRTC program activity in 10 Indiana cities. Published Sept. 16, 2024, by the Center for Business and Economic Research and the Center for Historic Preservation at Ball State University.

Child Care and Women's Participation in the Workforce: Estimates for Indiana

In this brief, we examine (1) the relationship between child care availability and the level of women’s participation in the workforce, (2) the underlying financial factors that affect the demand for child care services and the supply of child care workers, and (3) an overview of public policies and programs available in Indiana. Published June 26, 2024.

Regional Cities Initiative: Impact and Insight

The Regional Cities Initiative was created by the State of Indiana in 2015. This initiative provided a framework for neighboring communities across the state to work together to develop regional visions supported by development plans focused on quality of place.

In the policy brief, we provide (1) an overview of Indiana’s Regional Cities Initiative, (2) summaries of three studies Ball State researchers conducted, which examine the impact of this program, and (3) insights for groups applying for READI grants. Published May 20, 2024.

Additionally, we provide an analysis of the RCI published in Economic Development Quarterly. The results indicate that counties participating in the Regional Cities Initiative had higher GDP growth and higher employment growth than nonparticipating counties.

The Great Discordance: Forecasting the National and State Economy in 2024

This analysis examines post-COVID trends in the labor market and household/consumer behavior, as well as finance, manufacturing, housing, and the broader economy. Produced as part of the annual Indiana Economic Outlook forecasting luncheon, published Jan. 26, 2024.

School Corporation Size and Student Outcomes: An Update and Extensions

Produced for the Indiana Chamber of Commerce Foundation, this study examines Indiana public school corporations by size of their student enrollment and measures of success. Published Jan. 3, 2024.

This study is a continuation of the work previously published in 2017.

School Learning Loss in the Post-COVID Environment

This study focuses on the magnitude and factors contributing to learning loss at the school level in Indiana over the COVID pandemic through the 2021-2023 school years. This work builds on our earlier research (Hicks and Faulk, 2022), which also focused on learning loss in Indiana schools from 2019 to 2021, the first test year after the start of the pandemic. Published Dec. 13, 2023.

  • Brief
  • Authors: Dagney Faulk, Michael J. Hicks, Madelyn Ponsier
  • Browse publications tagged #Education 

A Long-Run Forecast for Indiana & East Central Indiana

This analysis offers a long-term projection of the Indiana and East Central Indiana economy. We look past the boom-bust cycle of the moment, towards the longer-term factors that contribute to economic growth. Published Jan. 17, 2023.

Semiconductor Plant Location Decisions in the Wake of the CHIPS Act

In this study, we seek to identify locations within the United States that are the most likely to experience new growth from the expansion of microchip manufacturing, and the community characteristics that may influence plant location decisions. Published Dec. 14, 2022.

The State of the Rural Economy in Indiana

In this study, researchers from CBER and CLASP compare rural and urban places, examine economic inputs and special issues, and summarize findings and probable influences on the economic future of rural Indiana. Published Sept. 8, 2022.

Indiana's Poor Economic Recovery, 2010-2019

This policy brief reviews Indiana’s relative performance during the 2010-2019 economic recovery, followed by an examination of factors contributing to the relative decline of the state economy 2009-2019, and concludes with a summary and policy recommendations. Published May 6, 2022.

What Contributed to COVID Learning Loss in Indiana's Schools?

This study examines the effects of COVID-19 on measures of student learning in Indiana schools. We consider student demographics, baseline test performance, and school characteristics and enrollment trends, as well as the share of time spent in a virtual or hybrid classroom. Published Jan. 18, 2022.

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Indiana Has a Monopoly Problem in Healthcare: Preliminary Evidence and Recommendations

This policy brief provides preliminary analysis as to the degree of competition in Indiana's healthcare markets. We conclude that evidence strongly suggests healthcare markets in Indiana experience significant monopoly power, which has increased prices, allowed not-for-profit providers to accrue stunningly large profits, increased the burden on Hoosier families, and likely reduced healthcare outcomes across the state. Published Sept. 25, 2019.

Fiscal, Economic, and Social Effects of Immigration in the Hoosier State

This study details the current realities and implications of immigration in Indiana as a whole, including effects on demographics, education, wealth and poverty, employment, and the labor market. Study sponsored by Conexus Indiana. Published May 13, 2019.

To supplement this study, we have created fact sheets for each Economic Growth/Workforce Development region, which give a snapshot of how the foreign-born population is changing at these various geographies, as well as the benefits and challenges they represent.

The Myth and the Reality of Manufacturing in America

This study for Conexus Indiana examines the composition of the industry before and after the Great Recession. We debunk common misconceptions about manufacturing and estimate the industry's future health.

How Vulnerable Are American Communities to Automation, Trade, & Urbanization?

This study highlights divergence in regional economic performance and the impact on households and communities, which necessitates an urgent call to research and policy analysis. The executive summary provides an overview of key points, and the appendix shows larger regional maps of county-level data for all 50 states.

Assessing E-Readiness and the Human Development & Technology Index

This study, Assessing Indiana's E-Readiness in the Development of the Digital Society, seeks to bridge the gaps in research on the relationship between broadband accessibility and human development by assessing the e-readiness of Indiana counties.

In the companion piece, Human Development & Technology in US Counties, the authors expand the scope of their previous research using the Human Development & Technology Index (HDTI) to assess geographic trends in the access to and the quality of broadband technology across all US counties. This work includes considerations for policy makers.

What Comes First, People or Jobs? Evidence and Lessons from Indiana

In this study, we examine population and employment growth in Indiana’s 92 counties in the decades of the 1970s and the 2000s to determine whether job attraction or people attraction is a larger factor in county population growth. We control for educational attainment, initial population, urban/rural influence, natural amenities, income inequality and intergenerational mobility, the size of local government, and spatial spillover effects.

Disaster Impact Studies

This collection focuses on the economic impact of natural disasters, including flood and storm damage.


This collection encompasses a broad range of education topics, including K-12 school performance, cost-benefit of college, and educational attainment effects on standard of living and workforce issues.


These studies use data trends and modeling software to project future growth and volatility in a particular industry or for an entire economy.

Indiana Communities Institute

CBER partners with the Indiana Communities Institute on a multitude of projects that combine economic development wisdom with data-rich analysis. This collection also includes collaborations with the RUPRI Center for State Policy, the Center for Community Economic Development, and Building Better Communities.

Indiana Toll Road Corridor Project

This collection finalizes two years of research, resulting in an analytical economic development study. The study team from Ball State University evaluated the efficacy of multiple and varied strategies for potential implementation in the seven northernmost counties of Indiana, collectively referred to as the Indiana Toll Road Corridor.

Local Government Reform and Consolidation

Local government consolidation is a topic on the minds of many cities, townships, and counties as they look for cost-saving measures. We approach the subject as an unbiased researcher, evaluating the data and predicting the impacts of a possible consolidation of government services.

Mounds Lake Reservoir

In this collection of documents, professionals from many disciplines weigh in on the proposed Mounds Lake Reservoir project in Madison and Delaware counties in East Central Indiana. Note: This peer review is simply the professional opinion of the authors and is not sponsored by any organization.

Primacy of Place

The Primacy of Place Initiative focuses on sustainable community development that focuses on improving the quality of life of residents. These features include high-quality schools, valued public services and amenities, and updated infrastructure.

Property Tax, Housing, and Real Estate

This collection focuses on public policy issues pertaining to real estate, including property tax caps, assessment accuracy, and impact on government revenue.

Tax Increment Financing

Tax increment financing (TIF) has been used to spur economic development and business attraction, but is the payoff worth the investment?