After a robust planning process that engaged close to 4,000 of Ball State’s faculty, staff, and students, the updated 2021 Campus Master Plan reinforced the commitment to a pedestrian core and an emphasis on pedestrian’s movement over other transportation methods from the 2015 Campus Master Plan.  Use of bicycles as a primary circulation mode was also reinforced. As such, parking is limited in the pedestrian core of the campus and placed on the campus perimeter. This also has an extra benefit of reducing pedestrian-vehicle conflicts in the campus core.

On-Campus Shuttles

To keep the pedestrian core of campus, students, faculty, and staff can ride the free Ball State shuttles and the Muncie Indiana Transit System (MITS) buses, which are free with a BSU ID. There are four Ball State shuttle routes—known as the red, blue, green, and purple loops—that run Monday to Friday from 7:15AM to 11PM and Sunday from 5PM to 11PM with wait times of 10 minutes or less. No service is available on Saturday or for the summer. If you are approved by the Office of Disability Services for accommodations, you can also call Bus Operations to request the Demand Response bus for a ride Monday through Thursday 7:15am to 11PM and on Friday from 7:15am to 8PM. After the shuttle stops service, you can contact Charlie’s Charter to request a ride on campus up to 1:30am Sunday to Thursday.

Off-campus Transportation

MITS buses go farther than Ball State shuttles if you want to go to Walmart, downtown Muncie, the Muncie Mall, or other areas in Muncie. MITS operates three routes (1, 14 &16) that go through campus approximately every 30 minutes mostly from 6:15am to around 6pm Monday to Saturday with no service on Sunday. Riders will need to request a transfer slip for farther one-way trips (like to the Mall) and inform the driver which stop they want. For breaks, there are low-cost transportation options that pick up on campus and can transport you to the Indianapolis airport or other regional locations. For employees that need to rent a vehicle to go off-campus or even around campus, please visit the Motor Pool webpage.        


Bicycles are one of the primary ways to get around campus. There are bicycle racks next to most buildings on campus. For safety reasons, please remember to register your bicycle with University Police, bring a bicycle lock, and a helmet. There are several bicycle lanes on campus to reduce pedestrian-bicycle-vehicle conflicts. Muncie is also connected to the 62-mile Cardinal Greenways which goes from Marion to Richmond.  

Electric vehicles

There are approximately 16 Level 2 electric vehicle (EV) charging stations on campus. Faculty, staff, and students need an additional EV permit to charge and visitors need to purchase a special EV daily pass. Please look for the green EV symbol on the campus map for those locations. 

** Please go to Ball State’s Transportation or MITS webpages for the most current information.