Ball State University participates in the USGBC LEED Lab program.  LEED Lab is a multidisciplinary immersion course that utilizes project based learning and the built environment to educate and prepare students to become green building leaders and sustainability-focused citizens.

In the course, students assess the performance of existing facilities on campus and choose one building where they will facilitate the LEED for Building Operations and Maintenance (LEED O+M) process with the goal of certifying the facility.

LEED Lab connects concepts to practical application by immersing students in the integrative process foundational to green buildings. In this innovative course students. Students learn about LEED’s comprehensive approach, covering the prerequisites and credits related to site considerations, energy use, water consumption, waste management and occupant comfort.

Students assess the performance of existing facilities on campus and choose one building where they will facilitate the LEED for Building Operations and Maintenance (LEED O+M) process with the goal of certifying the facility.

At the close of the semester, the students are prepared to sit for the LEED AP O+M professional credential exam. LEED Lab meets the needs of the building industry by equipping students with the skills, knowledge and expertise required to be effective communicators, project managers, critical thinkers, problem solvers, engaged leaders, and team players.

Institutions offering LEED Lab benefit from having USGBC technical support.

Follow the links below to learn more about the program and Ball State's participation: