Since 2003, the Land Design Institute has pursued eco-balance master planning for the BSU LandLab Green Technology Demonstration Site.  This has included student projects in the LA471 Sustainable Land Systems class.

Spring 2005 LA 471 Sustainable Land Systems

In the Spring 2005 LA 471 Sustainable Land Systems class, students were challenged to design an eco-efficient LEEDTM certifiable built-site system, to include at least three fixed demonstration buildings using a range of local or regional materials, at least three major site-based resource harvesting and regeneration technologies, and at least five eco-efficient building-site interfaces.  Their designs were to include site or regional earth-based, fiber-based, waste-based, lower energy, low impact, environment healing, and other beneficial materials and technologies.  Students were also to show the potential to interconnect these materials and technologies into regenerative resource flows of the LDI LandLab Green Technology Demonstration site.

The team of Ryan Birkey, Matt Buchs, Casey Burch, Daniel Overbe, Joe Thompson, Sarah Vesse and Nathan Wall