The goal of a feedback session is to move a writing project forward and to teach the writer something about writing in our 45 minute sessions. Writing is highly individual and context-dependent, so we focus on helping writers better understand their options. Rather than aiming for a "perfect" project after a single session, our goal is to help writers develop transferable skills through attentive, focused discussion of the writer’s paper. The work is incremental, but deep learning always is.
As tutors, we usually start by focusing on the big picture: has the writer accomplished what the prompt or guidelines call for? Is the writing achieving what they want to achieve? How's the organization, structure, format, argument, evidence, citations, genre, conventions, tone, and design of the project? Once the writer feels good about these big picture concerns, we move to sentence-level issues like spelling, grammar, and other errors. We especially try to focus on patterns of error so we can help writers learn how to proofread and edit their work independently. However, good writing is not (just) the avoidance of error, so unless otherwise asked, we begin with the big picture.