Atul Singh
Atul Singh
Assistant Professor of Accounting
Curriculum Vitae


Room:WB 331

Atul Singh, assistant professor of accounting, earned his doctoral degree from George Washington University, MBA degree from IIM Calcutta (India) and undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering from IRIMEE (India). Atul has a rich and diverse professional experience across manufacturing, financial services, and education sectors. He started as a production engineer in a railroad factory where he was involved in production, costing and capital budgeting. He has also worked as a profit center head and product head in banking and equity broking. Subsequently, Atul moved to academics and taught accounting and finance courses.

Atul teaches advanced accounting and has previously taught managerial accounting at George Washington University and in his previous role as a faculty in India. He brings his vast professional experience in various sectors to the classroom that helps students better understand the practical and real-life implications of the theoretical concepts.
Atul’s primary research interests are in the areas of disclosure, information dissemination and capital markets. In his dissertation he investigates whether the followers’ feedback on a firm’s social media account provides additional information to investors about the firm’s performance. He is also interested in researching about compensation and debt contracts.

George Washington University

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Principles of Fin Ac 201 07 0930 - 1045 T R WB, room 139
Principles of Fin Ac 201 801 0000 - 0000
Advanced Financial A 440 1 1400 - 1515 T R WB, room 302