Congratulations! You’ve made it… Well, almost.
As you near the end of your graduate studies, you may be wondering about the final steps necessary to receive your degree or certificate. Graduation is not automatic. You must apply to graduate in order for Ball State to confer your degree to you.
You must submit a graduation application for each degree and certificate you expect to be awarded.
The deadline to apply to graduate at the end of a given semester is listed on our Dates and Deadlines page.
Consider applying several days in advance of this deadline so you have ample time to review for accuracy. Late applications will not be accepted.
All graduate students must be actively registered as Ball State students during their final/graduating term. If you are not registered for classes during the semester you're applying to graduate (excluding Summer term) and you have completed all other requirements, you should enroll in:
- MAST 600 — Master’s Candidate if you are a master’s or specialist degree candidate.
- DISS 799 — Doctoral Dissertation if you are a doctoral student.
You should speak with your department directly about registration in MAST 600 or DISS 799 if you choose one of these options.
1. Apply to Graduate
Step 1: Apply to Graduate
Eligible students must complete an application to graduate.
To do so:
- Log into MyBallState
- Select “Self-Service Banner”
- Select “Students”
- Select “Graduation Application”
- Complete the application
If you have any additional degrees or certificate objectives, complete the application again for each one.
You may review your application and confirm you have submitted all necessary applications before the deadline by returning to Self-Service Banner and selecting "Student Profile" then selecting “View Application to Graduate.”
A $25 application fee for graduation is required for all students applying for graduation or completion of a certificate program.
If you reapply for graduation or completion, you will be charged a $25 application-processing fee for the new term.
The fee is assessed per degree (i.e. master of arts, master of science) and certificate objective (i.e. certificate in applied behavior analysis, etc.) and per application processed.
Additional Information
If your program information is listed incorrectly (for example, an MA rather than MS), please contact gradschool@bsu.edu to update your information as soon as possible and before the posted application deadline.
If you do not see one of your certificate or degree programs listed as a selection on the application for graduation, contact gradschool@bsu.edu as soon as possible to confirm your admission into that program.
If you are additionally working toward completion of licensure, this is separate from graduation and processed differently than completion of a degree. (However, many licensures require the completion of a degree program, so make sure you have met all the same requirements explained above.)
When you are nearing completion of your licensure program, be sure to contact the Office of Teacher Education Services for more information on how to receive your license or license renewal.
2. Finish Your Program
Step 2: Finish Your Program
After you’ve applied to graduate, you will still need to ensure you complete all the necessary coursework, exams, and any other program requirements.
These details should all be outlined in your degree plan.
For any questions about your course of study or program requirements, work with your program advisor.
3. Attend Commencement
Step 3: Register for and Attend Commencement
The Commencement Ceremony is only for students completing a degree program. If you are applying for certificate completion only, you will not participate in the ceremony. (You still must complete an application for graduation, however.)
If you plan to participate in the ceremony, you will need to complete a separate registration form which will be released soon.