I joined the Department of History in August 2004 to teach courses in ancient Greek, Roman, and Byzantine history, as well as general surveys on the history of the world and European civilization. Each of my books examines some specific topic—city administration in ancient Asia Minor; the Roman appropriation of Greek political vocabulary; kinship relations in archaic and classical Athens; and the ways in which rhetorical education during the Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine periods has distorted our vision of classical Greece. My current book project, provisionally titled The World of John Lydus: Mixed Identities in Early Byzantium, delineates how John Lydus and his fellow-intellectuals reinterpreted the past to accommodate sixth-century Byzantium’s Greek, Roman, and Christian identities. I have also authored several articles in professional journals and collective publications on ancient Greek, Roman, and Byzantine history, and presented at a number of conferences. In addition to teaching, research, and committee responsibilities, my duties include serving as the Director of the Ancient Studies program.