Honors Inclusive Excellence Series

This series helps to integrate diversity and equity efforts into our classrooms, activities, and daily operations.

Honors College Diversity Project (HCDP)

The Honors College Diversity Project is a student group that conducts programming, social media, and community-building activities around diversity, inclusion, belonging, and antiracism.

Honors Association for Community Engagement (HACE)

HACE creates opportunities for volunteering events, fosters spaces for discussion and encourages engagement between Ball State Honors College students and the Muncie community in order to share services, ideas, and experiences.


Odyssey is the Honors College’s journal for creative works, including literary, auditory, and visual art. For more information, contact us at odysseyballstate@gmail.com. and be sure to follow us on Instagram (@odysseyhonors) and Twitter (@honorsodyssey).

Student Honors Council (SHC)

SHC is the official governing body of the Ball State Honors College. Throughout the year, SHC coordinates academic and social activities for Honors students and faculty. The organization meets weekly on Tuesday evenings at 8 pm in the Ball Honors House.

Upcoming Events

Honors College faculty and staff will be in DeHority Ex Hall to speak to Honors College student about the upcoming spring semester.

Come to the Honors College, grab a donut, and speak to our Director of Student Success, Ashanti Figures, about your first semester at Ball State!

Honors College Hacks with Associate Dean Rutter and Kali St. Julien

Broadening Your Horizons Study Abroad Showcase