Whether you’re a graduate student, a coach, or active in a youth sports program, consider this game plan: a graduate athletic coaching education certificate from a university with a world-class, master’s in athletic coaching education.

Ball State’s 12-credit graduate certificate is 100 percent online and is taught by the same faculty who teach the master’s in coaching education.

Who Should Consider This Certificate?

If you’re a graduate student pursuing degrees in sport administration, sport performance, or sport and exercise psychology, the certificate is a great way to expand your skill set in the fraction of the time and tuition required for adding an additional graduate degree.

Or, if you’re a full-time professional who plans to coach part time, or volunteer as a weekend warrior, but would like a stand-alone credential to recognize your course work, this certificate prepares you to be confident in your abilities to work with athletes no matter what level. 

If you don’t have time or money for a full master’s degree, but like the idea of university courses taught by professors who have coaches on national and international stages of sport, this certificate deserves your full consideration.

Master’s Degree

All the courses you take in the graduate certificate can apply to our fully online, no-residency, world-class master’s in athletic coaching education. You can finish this graduate degree in five semesters.

Program Contacts 

Jeremy Johnson, Student Success Specialist
Jamie Moynihan, Administrative Coordinator
Lawrence W. Judge Ph.D., Program Coordinator

Ready to Apply?

You will first want to check if you meet the admission requirements for the Ball State Graduate School. Then you may apply.

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Students from Other States

Ball State is authorized by the U.S. Department of Education to accept online students from all U.S. states. However, if you are considering a program that leads to professional licensure, some states may have additional regulations. Review our state authorization website if you live outside of Indiana and contact us if you have questions.

Want to Learn More?

Do you have questions about this program or online learning? We’re here to help! You may request more information using our online form, or feel free to reach out directly to one of our staff.

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