Earning a graduate certificate in middle level education could be your chance to expand your expertise and make yourself more marketable.
This completely online graduate certificate:
- prepares you to address the specific and unique needs of middle school students
- gives you increased job flexibility
- helps you build a strong support network of middle school contacts throughout Indiana and beyond
- allows you to earn graduate credit from a nationally recognized teacher education program
The graduate certificate in middle level education addresses issues pertaining to the effective education of middle school students including developmental characteristics of adolescents, planning and implementing effective instruction for middle school learners, and facilitating learning environments conducive to academic success in middle schools.
Academic Advisors
Jill Bradley-Levine, Assistant Professor of Educational Studies
Department of Educational Studies
Course Requirements
This is a 15-credit program. The following courses are required:
- EDRD 620 Content Area Reading (3 credits)
- EDJH 512 Instructional Strategies and Approaches in Junior High and Middle Schools (3 credits)
- EDJH 534 Classroom Management: Practical Approaches to Improving Student Behavior (3 credits)
- EDCU 630 The Junior High and Middle School Curriculum (3 credits)
- EDPS 628 Adolescent Development (3 credits)
For a complete list of program requirements and courses, see the course catalog.
View Catalog
Ball State has joined the Federal Academic Alliance and is offering reduced tuition rates for all eligible, non-Indiana resident Federal Government Employees (civil servants), spouses, dependents, and retirees who enroll in online graduate-level programs and courses through Ball State’s Teachers College. Learn more.
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Ready to Apply?
Admission to Ball State is selective, and we carefully evaluate all application on an individual basis. Applying for admission is easy. Use our convenient, comprehensive, and secure online application.
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Ball State is authorized by the U.S. Department of Education to accept online students from all U.S. states. However, if you are considering a program that leads to professional licensure, some states may have additional regulations. Review our state authorization website if you live outside of Indiana and contact us if you have questions.
Want to Learn More?
Do you have questions about this program or online learning? We’re here to help! You may request more information using our online form, or feel free to reach out directly to one of our staff.
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