Quick Facts

  Next Start Date: May 12, 2025

  • Delivery: 100% Online
  • Major Credits: 30
  • Four specializations and customizable option
  • No GRE Required
  • Nationally ranked by U.S. News

An online master of arts (MA) in educational psychology from Ball State University offers a convenient, relevant, research-based curriculum. The MA is aimed at education professionals and others who work in a field related to learning and human development. Whatever your profession, you can complete the MA in just 18 months (less than one year if you take a full load each term, including summer), so you can get ahead without leaving your life behind.

What is Educational Psychology?

Educational psychology is the study of human learning and development, primarily in higher learning settings. Educational psychologists do not have a clinical component, unlike school counselors. Instead, they are responsible for training teachers and leaders in areas related to psychological theories of learning, classroom assessment, developmental psychology, research, and more.

What It's Like to Pursue an Online Master of Arts in Educational Psychology

One of the many ways you will benefit from our MA is by having the ability to develop a focused plan of study to match your professional and career goals. We offer more customization than most other similar educational psychology master’s programs. Students can choose 12 credits of electives based on their individual interests, or from pre-approved specializations, such as gifted and talented, human development, institutional research, and applied behavior analysis.

Ball State also offers online certificates in a number of areas, including gifted and talented education, human development and learning, and neuropsychology. Students who earn one of these certificates may use the courses toward the master’s in educational psychology if they choose to pursue one. You could also choose to pursue a career in schools working with children with special needs as this degree program pairs well with the graduate certificate in applied behavior analysis.

Ball State has experience and best practices in online education to ensure top-quality courses wherever you’re based. It’s just one of the reasons our MA in educational psychology is consistently ranked by U.S. News and World Report as one of the "Best Online Programs" and "Best Online Programs for Veterans" in graduate education programs.

Courses are taught by the same nationally recognized faculty who teach on campus in our master of science and doctoral programs. You’ll learn from leading experts in key fields such as child and adolescent development, advanced statistical applications, motivation, high stakes testing, and academic anxiety.

The 100 percent online delivery format offers flexibility in your learning environment in a way that a traditional class setting may not. All course work is asynchronous, meaning you can complete courses whenever and wherever they fit into your daily schedule, whether that’s after work, on the weekends, or during your kid’s extracurriculars.

On average, our students take two courses a semester, but you can take more if you think your schedule allows. Depending on how you want to pace your studies, you can complete your degree in as few as one year, or up to three years if taking one course a semester.

As a recognized leader and innovator in online education, Ball State employs best practices to ensure the kind of personal attention from faculty that you’d expect to get face to face. The small class sizes allow faculty to giver personalized attention to their students. Faculty are also available and willing to meet via Zoom, WebEx, Microsoft Teams, and phone, if needed, to provide extra support for your success.

Your dedicated advisor is also available to meet with you and is here to help if you have any questions.

Wilfridah Mucherah
Professor of Psychology- Educational Psychology

How Much Will It Cost?

Our cost calculator can help you estimate your bill based on your residency and number of credits. Many students take two courses per semester, or 6 credits.

For more information, review the tuition and fees for online graduate students.

*This is an estimate to help you plan. Your final bill may be different. A few of our programs also have additional course or program fees, and this estimate does not include textbook or other course material charges. The Ball State University Board of Trustees reserves the right to change tuition, fees, and other charges for any semester or term.

Federal Employees Pay In-State Tuition

Ball State has joined the Federal Academic Alliance and is offering reduced tuition rates for all eligible, non-Indiana resident Federal Government Employees (civil servants), spouses, dependents, and retirees who enroll in online graduate-level programs and courses through Ball State’s Teachers College. Learn more.

Why an MA in Educational Psychology?

Not a License Program

The master's degree in educational psychology is not affiliated with a school psychologist license. Ball State University offers an on-campus master of arts and educational specialist degree in school psychology that can help prepare you to be a school psychologist.

Ball State’s online master’s in educational psychology complements and elevates prior degrees in the social sciences, such as sociology, psychology, teaching, political science, etc. This degree not only helps professionals in education, business, government, and human services advance their careers, but it’s also a good choice for those contemplating a career change as it provides several transferable skills to many industries. Our convenient online courses will augment your existing experiences to prepare you for occupations that are increasingly in demand—all while you continue to earn money in your current job. The skills you learn today can be applied to your job tomorrow, which include:

  • Research methods in education
  • Classroom assessment (psychometrics)
  • Online learning
  • Instructional design
  • Social emotional learning
  • Self-regulated learning
  • Learning sciences (cognition, metacognition, motivation, etc.)
  • Human development, including social and global perspectives
  • Research statistics
  • Research design, including how to read, interpret, and apply research

If you consider pursuing a PhD in education or psychology related fields, but are not sure about the specific focus area, start with the MA in educational psychology, which will give you a foundation applicable to a variety of fields.

Career Options for the Master of Arts in Educational Psychology

You will have your choice of a broad range of career paths and next steps when you earn your MA in Educational Psychology. You’ll gain the expertise and connections to move your career forward with opportunities such as: 

  • Pursuing your doctorate 
  • Teaching at the undergraduate level
  • Working as a developmental specialist
  • Working as a professional evaluator or researcher
  • Designing teacher training programs
  • Human resources development
  • Conducting institutional research

Course Requirements

The master of arts (MA) in educational psychology is a 30-credit, entirely online program, which can be completed in 18 months (less than one year if you take a full load each term, including summer). The program core gives you a foundation in the major areas of the discipline: learning, research methodology, statistics, and tests and measurement.

View Catalog

Fifteen credits cover learning and motivation, research and statistics, and psychometrics and assessments. The final 3 credits cover human development, which you will choose from a list of approved courses.

Learning and Motivation (Two Courses)

  • EDPS 600 Advanced Educational Psychology (3 credits)
  • EDPS 606 Human Learning and Achievement Motivation (3 credits)

Research and Statistics (Two Courses)

  • EDPS 640 Methodology of Educational and Psychological Research (3 credits) — OR—EDPS 643 Research Design (3 credits) 
  • EDPS 641 Introduction to Statistical Methods (3 credits) 

Psychometrics and Assessments (One Course)

  • EDPS 646 Tests and Measurements (3 credits)

Human Development (Choose one course)

  • EDPS 603 Psychology of Human Development (3 credits)
  • EDPS 627 Child Development (3 credits)
  • EDPS 628 Adolescent Development (3 credits)
  • EDPS 629 Adult Development and Aging (3 credits)

Note: It is recommended that you take these courses in the order that they are listed here.

Electives and Specializations (12 Credits)

The remaining 12 credits may be chosen from a specialization or you can design a program of study that meets your needs.

Our online master’s program features various specializations, which, like our core courses, are taught by the same nationally recognized faculty as our other graduate programs:

Applied Behavior Analysis

The 12-credit Applied Behavior Analysis Specialization will increase your understanding of core concepts and strategies used to treat various kinds of behavior issues.

Choose four courses from the all online graduate certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis, or any four courses from the list below.

Applied Behavior Analysis Specialization (12 credits) 

  • SPCE 600 Education of Exceptional Children (3 credits)
  • SPCE 604 Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers (3 credits)
  • SPCE 609 Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis (3 credits)
  • SPCE 610 Behavior Consultation (3 credits)
  • SPCE 611 Advanced Applied Behavior Analysis (3 credits)
  • SPCE 619 Ethics in Behavior Analysis (3 credits)
  • SPCE 630 Research Methods for Behavior Analysis (3 credits)
  • SPCE 632 Introduction to Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (3 credits)
  • SPCE 634 Educating Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (3 credits)
  • SPCE 635 Advanced Studies in Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (3 credits) . 

The gifted and talented specialization focuses on issues relating to high-ability learners. It combines a thorough grounding in current theory and practice with a focus on practical applications.

You’ll learn which evaluations are most effective in identifying gifted and talented learners as well as techniques and strategies for helping to channel their potential. Courses in creative thinking, program development, and the social and emotional needs of the gifted are available. This specialization is an excellent foundation for careers across many settings and positions, such as resource consultant, gifted and talented specialist, administrator, program developer, researcher, and more.

A high-ability license, also offered entirely online, is available for those who already have an Indiana teaching license. Or, if an add-on license is not your goal, you can earn a 12-credit Graduate Certificate in Gifted and Talented Education by taking the same courses for the specialization.

Gifted and Talented Specialization (12 credits)

Gifted and Talented Specialization (9 credits):

  • EDPS 520 Introduction to Gifted and Talented Student (3 credits)
  • EDPS 621 Identification and Evaluation of Gifted and Talented Children (3 credits)
  • EDPS 625 Models and Strategies for Gifted Learners (3 credits)

Electives (choose a 3-credit course from below):

  • EDPS 611 Development of Creative Thinking (3 credits)
  • EDPS 623 Investigating the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students (3 credits)

The human development specialization offers advanced focus on human development for teachers, child care personnel, school administrators, and others. It explores developmental processes and factors of learning and motivation and, it considers the influence of families, peer groups, and school settings on learning development across the life span.

Graduates with this specialization gain a deeper understanding of people and their physical, social, cognitive, and emotional development. It is an aid to success in many disciplines, such as education, health care, criminal justice, social work, and psychology.

Courses taken for this specialization cannot include those taken for the educational psychology core. You can earn a 15-credit Graduate Certificate in Human Development and Learning while completing this specialization. Any three courses below, along with EDPS 600 and EDPS 606 from the master’s degree core credits, will earn the certificate.

Human Development Specialization (12 credits)

Choose four courses from the list below:

  • EDPS 604 Social and Emotional Development (3 credits)
  • EDPS 607 Global Perspectives on Child Development (3 credits)
  • EDPS 627 Child Development (3 credits)
  • EDPS 628 Adolescent Development (3 credits)
  • EDPS 629 Adult Development and Aging (3 credits)

The institutional research specialization focuses on data analysis, research design, statistical methods, and more. You’ll develop skills to support analytics with Big Data and make data-driven decisions to further an institution or organization’s success.

Courses taken for this specialization also count toward the 15-credit Graduate Certificate in Institutional Research. Institutional Research Specialization (12 credits)

Institutional Research Specialization (6 credits):

  • EDPS 602 Institutional Research (3 credits)
  • EDPS 692 Internship in Institutional Research (3 credits)

Electives (choose a 6-credit course from below):

  • EDHI 610 Issues in Higher Education (3 credits)
  • EDST 650 Introduction to Qualitative Research (3 credits)
  • EDPS 642 Analysis of Variance (3 credits)
  • EDPS 644 Coding and Analyzing Qualitative Data (3 credits)
  • EDPS 741 Applied Regression Analysis (3 credits)

fThe brain’s all-encompassing structures determine the way we all think and act, so knowledge of the brain-behavior relationship and concepts of neuropsychology are essential for those who work in schools and health care systems. Additionally, because of the impact of technology, neuropsychology is one of today’s fastest growing areas of psychological study.

You will want to take a close look at our Graduate Certificate in Neuropsychology whether you’re a student in the psychological sciences, a practicing educator or mental health provider, or someone who just wants to explore the science of human brain function and understand the concepts of neuropsychology. You will learn from faculty who work as practitioners providing services for individuals with neurologic disorders.

This 12-credit, all-online, graduate-level certificate program covers:

  • the basics of brain-behavior relationships
  • the neurobiology of language acquisition and development
  • advanced topics in neurological disorders and brain dysfunction
  • common brain disorders in adults and children

Neuropsychology for Teaching and Learning Specialization (12 credits)

Neuropsychology for Teaching and Learning Specialization (3 credits):

  • EDPS 649 Fundamentals of Neuropsychology (3 credits) - offered in the Fall

Electives (choose a 9-credit course from below):

Choose Two Courses:

  • EDPS 655 Child Neurodevelopment (3 credits) – offered in the Spring
  • EDPS 665 Concepts of Developmental Psycholinguistics (3 credits) – offered in the Summer
  • EDPS 753 Advanced Topics in Neuropsychology (3 credits) – offered in the Summer

Choose One Course:

  • EDPS 604 EDPS 604 Social and Emotional Development (3 credits)
  • EDPS 607 Global Perspectives on Child Development (3 credits)
  • EDPS 627 Child Development (3 credits)
  • EDPS 628 Adolescent Development (3 credits)
  • EDPS 629 Adult Development and Aging (3 credits)

The course sequence takes three semesters and one summer to complete.

  • Course work may be applied toward other degree programs such as the MA in educational psychology. (Please note this program will not lead to licensure, certification, or credentialing as a practicing neuropsychologist.)
  • For students currently enrolled in a master’s degree program, in consultation with your advisor, course work may be used as electives.
  • Credits for certain courses may be used toward continuing education requirements for some professions (please consult your state’s licensing board).

The 12-credit customizable specialization allows you the ability to choose any four courses from the approved list below. Some course offers below may not necessarily be offered online in a given semester. Check with your advisor in advance.

Make sure you choose courses that are relevant to your professional interests and needs. If you'd like to take courses not listed here as a part of your customized specialization, you should seek approval from Wilfridah Mucherah before registering.

  • EDAC 631 Adult and Community Education
  • EDAC 655 Continuing Education for Professionals
  • EDPS 629 Adult Development and Aging
  • EDPS 790 Practicum in Educational Psychology
  • EDTE 660 Instructional Design and Technology
  • EDMU 660 Multicultural and Multiethnic Education in American Schools
  • EDMU 670 Social and Cultural Minorities in American Education
  • EDHI 612 Women, Gender, and Education
  • ECFY 630 School, Family, and Community Partnerships
  • ECFY 640 Introduction to Early Childhood Education
  • ECFY 651 Educational Programs for Young Children
  • EDPS 520: Introduction to the G/T Child
  • EDPS 611: Development of Creative Thinking
  • EDPS 621: Identification & Evaluation of G/T Children
  • EDPS 623: Investigating the Social & Emotional Needs of Gifted Students
  • EDPS 625: Models and Strategies for Gifted Learners
  • EDPS 627: Child Development
  • EDPS 628: Adolescent Development
  • EDPS 629: Adult Development
  • EDPS 642: Intermediate Statistics
  • EDPS 649: Fundamentals of Neuropsychology
  • EDPS 649 Fundamentals of Neuropsychology
  • EDPS 649 Fundamentals of Neuropsychology
  • EDPS 649 Fundamentals of Neuropsychology
  • EDPS 655: Child Neurodevelopment
  • EDPS 665: Concepts of Developmental Psycholinguistics
  • EDPS 753: Advanced Topics in Neuropsychology
  • EDPS 740: Categorical Data Analysis
  • EDPS 741: Applied Regression Analysis for the Social Sciences
  • EDPS 742: Multivariate Statistical Techniques
  • EDPS 743: Introduction to Factor Analysis
  • EDPS 744: Seminar in Research Methodology
  • EDPS 746: Theory of Measurement
  • EDTE 660 Instructional Design and Technology
  • EDTE 675 Distance, Flexible and Blended Education
  • EDTE 685 Information Systems for Instruction and Assessment
  • EDEL 655 Principles of Differentiation in the Elementary Classroom
  • EDRD 610 The Teaching of Reading in the Elementary School
  • EDPS 627 Child Development
  • EDPS 629 Adult Development and Aging
  • EDPS 790 Practicum in Educational Psychology
  • EDST 671 Evaluation of Educational Programs
  • EDST 697 The Grant Process and Research
  • EDCU 630 The Junior High and Middle School Curriculum
  • EDJH 512 Instructional Strategies and Approaches to in Junior High and Middle Schools
  • EDJH 534 Classroom Management: Practical Approaches to Improving Student Behavior
  • EDPS 627 Child Development
  • EDCU 620 The Secondary School Cur
  • EDSE 695 Dynamics of the Secondary School Classroom
  • SPCE 600: Education of Exceptional Children
  • SPCE 609 Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis
  • SPCE 610 Behavior Consultation
  • SPCE 611 Advanced Applied Behavior Analysis
  • SPCE 619 Ethics in Behavior Analysis
  • SPCE 680 Introduction to Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • SPCE 682 Interventions and Treatments for Persons with Autism
  • SPCE 683 Field-Based Experience in Autism
  • SPCE 689 Verbal Behavior

Federal Employees Pay In-State Tuition

Ball State has joined the Federal Academic Alliance and is offering reduced tuition rates for all eligible, non-Indiana resident Federal Government Employees (civil servants), spouses, dependents, and retirees who enroll in online graduate-level programs and courses through Ball State’s Teachers College. Learn more.

Ready to Apply?

Review deadlines, admission requirements, and application materials, then start your application.

Students from Other States

Ball State is authorized by the U.S. Department of Education to accept online students from all U.S. states. However, if you are considering a program that leads to professional licensure, some states may have additional regulations. Review our state authorization website if you live outside of Indiana and contact us if you have questions.

Want to Learn More?

Do you have questions about this program or online learning? We’re here to help! You may request more information using our online form, or feel free to reach out directly to one of our staff.

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