Dr. Tayla Lee
Dr. Tayla Lee
Associate Professor of Psychological Science


Room:NQ 122

Tayla T.C. Lee, PhD, HSPP is an Associate Professor of Psychological Science at Ball State University. Dr. Lee received her PhD in clinical psychology from Kent State University and completed post-doctoral training at Indiana University – Bloomington. Dr. Lee’s research investigates cognitive and personality mechanisms influencing externalizing disorders, as well as individual differences explanations for comorbidity between internalizing and externalizing problems. She has a second program of research that focuses on psychological assessment, especially the validity of scales from the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory family of instruments (i.e., MMPI-2-RF and MMPI-A-RF). Dr. Lee is an associate editor for the Journal of Personality Assessment and a consulting editor for Psychological Assessment and the Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. Dr. Lee teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in psychopathology, psychological assessment, and quantitative methods. She routinely conducts professional workshops in these areas, as well. Dr. Lee has extensive clinical experience in psychological assessment of adolescents and adults. She is a licensed psychologist in the state of Indiana and maintains a private practice conducting forensic assessments.

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For more information about Dr. Lee and her work, please visit her webpage at https://people.bsu.edu/ttlee/
Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Psychopathology 318 003 0930 - 1045 T R BB, room 104
Supervised Empirical 497 004 0000 - 0000
Supervised Empirical 497 005 0000 - 0000
Foundations in Asses 640 001 1230 - 1345 T R NQ, room 123
Applied Research Int 685 003 0000 - 0000
Adv Clinical Interns 687 001 0000 - 0000
Psychological Invest 698 1 0000 - 0000
Thesis 698 487 0000 - 0000