Become a teacher at Ball State

Thinking about becoming a classroom teacher? If you’re passionate about teaching, consider one of our many teacher education programs at Ball State. We invite you to explore our many opportunities, including elementary, middle/secondary licensure, and special education. 

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Conceptual Framework

Programs to prepare teachers at Ball State University are built around a distinctive set of beliefs and commitments that our faculty hold. In other words, we have a vision that guides us in preparing teachers and helps us define the qualities we seek to instill in the teachers we prepare. As a graduate of a Ball State teacher education program, you can be expected to display these distinctive qualities and characteristics as a professional teacher.

Teachers College Programs

Our licensure programs are among the many opportunities we offer to aspiring educators or those already in the profession wanting to advance their own educations. We offer bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs that will prepare you for teaching, counseling, administrating, and many other vital roles in schools. See all of our programs or explore our program options below.

Elementary Education

Programs in elementary education prepare students to teach children in early childhood programs and in kindergarten through sixth grades.

Become an elementary education teacher at Ball State

Programs in special education prepare teachers to work with students with exceptional needs including those students who are deaf, require mild intervention, or severe interventions.

Become a special education teacher at Ball State

Programs in secondary education prepare you to be licensed to teach specific academic subjects such as mathematics, science, or English in middle/junior high and/or high schools. In addition to courses in the major that you choose, you will complete core curriculum requirements and professional education courses.

Become a secondary education teacher at Ball State

Programs in all-grade education prepare you to be licensed to teach the special subjects of music, health/physical education, or visual arts in elementary, middle/junior high, and high schools. In addition to courses in the major that you choose, you will complete core curriculum requirements and professional education courses.

Become an all-grade teacher at Ball State

If you are already a classroom teacher, consider adding to your credentials by adding one or more of our additional licensing programs.

Teacher license addition programs at Ball State

Kamaya Green, Class of 2022

“Ever since I was a little girl, I believe that teaching has always been my calling. In high school, I researched different colleges with teaching programs in my home state, but none stood out to me the way Ball State did. The Teachers College offers programs and degrees that many other universities don’t offer, including the dual major I’m pursuing.

Throughout my education here, I’ve had great experiences with the dedicated professors in the college. They challenge you to be the best teacher that you can be, and in doing so, they prepare you to teach the next generation of learners. I’m still in contact with many of my professors as they’re mentors for my teaching career. Ball State has helped me in so many ways and continues to be my home away from home.”

- Kamaya Green, Class of 2022, Elementary Education and Special Education dual major


Steps to Obtaining Licensure

Professional Education Assessment and Decision Points

Grade points will be checked at the end of each semester beginning when students earn 30 hours. An overall grade-point average of at least 2.5 is required for admission to teaching candidacy (at the end of DP1) and continuation in all educator preparation programs. For specific questions or more information, contact us.

To become a licensed teacher, the following requirements must be met through the decision points.

For admission to teacher preparation program and to register for 300- and 400-level professional education courses required for the teaching major, students must have:

  • earned grades of C or better in designated 100- and 200-level professional education courses required for the teaching major and COMM 210 or equivalent
  • earned an overall grade-point average of at least 2.5
  • satisfied course and assessment requirements specified by the student’s licensure area. For specific requirements, students should see their DegreeWorks profiles

To register for student-teaching courses, students must have:

  • earned grades of C or better in all required professional education courses required for the teaching major
  • earned an overall grade-point average of at least 2.5
  • earned grade-point averages of at least 2.5 in professional education courses and at least 2.5 in the teaching major
  • satisfied course and assessment requirements specified by the student’s licensure area. For specific requirements, students should see their DegreeWorks profiles
  • an approved application for student teaching

To be recommended for graduation, candidates must have:

  • earned credit in student teaching
  • completed all requirements for graduation with an overall grade-point average of at least 2.5
  • maintained a grade-point average of at least 2.5 in all professional education courses, and a grade-point average of at least 2.5 in the teaching major

In addition, to be recommended for licensure, candidates must have:

  • passed the Indiana Academic Core Assessments in the appropriate Developmental (Pedagogy) Area and Content Area(s)
  • provided evidence of current CPR/AED certification (through state approved agencies) prior to license recommendation
  • provided evidence of completion of suicide prevention training (through state approved agencies) prior to license recommendation