Andy Waldron
Andy Waldron
Assistant Professor of Theatre Education


Room:AC 403C

The Department of Theatre and Dance welcomes Andrew Waldron in the position of Assistant Professor of Theatre Education. Andrew grew up in Wisconsin, went to college at Winona State University, and began his professional life as a high school English, speech, and theatre teacher in Forest Lake, Minnesota. During his time as a high school teacher he honed his teaching game, worked alongside colleagues and students to make great art (both in-class and onstage), experimented with the performing arts in the Twin Cities community, and completed his Masters in Education from Hamline University. Additionally, Andrew received his PhD in Theatre for Youth, allowing him ways to see divergent ways of seeing and engaging with the world through research, critical dialogue, professional conferences, and collaborations with peers. He has explored creative drama, puppetry, devising, theatre for the very young, theatre for social change, and digital storytelling.
Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Intro to Teaching Me 295 1 1000 - 1050 M W F AC, room 208
Theatre Practicum 280 7 0000 - 0000