Upcoming Events
1:30 p.m.
When the 1941 coal fired boilers gave out, Ball State leaders rather than sticking with old technology explored geothermal as an answer. Nearly 4,000 bore holes later Ball State became state of the art. Jim Lowe was in charge of the project and will take us through it step by step. Lear more about how this system heats and cools the campus.
1 p.m.
Bracken Environmental Lecture SeriesMark Roseland, Professor of Sustainable Community Solutions, Arizona State University. He is author of the book Towards Sustainable Communities. He will discuss Community Asset Frameworks and their use in creating sustainable communities.
1 p.m.
Bracken Environmental Lecture SeriesRonald Fry, PhD, is a co-creator of the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) theory and method, working with groups, organizations and institutions around the world to increase their cooperative capacity in order to engage the whole system in strategic thinking, planning and change.
1 p.m.
Bracken Environmental Lecture SeriesJens Molbak is a social and business entrepreneur, the founder & former CEO of COINSTAR; and the founder & CEO of the nonprofit, New Impact. He will talk about innovative new tools and new business models that support sustainable development.