Upcoming Events
11 a.m.
There’s a brand-new mobile-friendly user interface for ERIC, APA PsycInfo, Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete and all the other EBSCOhost databases. Get a brief look at the new features and learn how to do the old things you’re used to being able to do.
All Day Event
The Student Creative Arts program supports those projects that propose the creation and/or presentation of original works of creative art. Eligible creative arts projects include Arts Education, Dance, Literature, Media Arts, Music, and many more.
All Day Event
Projects submitted to the research competition involve a process of study or discovery that will produce new insights, theories, or will apply such knowledge to problem-solving within the discipline or in society.
12 p.m.
Calendar: Career Center
What does it mean to be professional? In this highly interactive workshop, you will learn about professional communication, judgment, dress, and organizational culture based on feedback from employers.
11 a.m.
Learn about theatre and dance resources available through Ball State University Libraries. We’ll take a look at print resources like books and playscripts and also explore online databases like Digital Theatre+ and International Bibliography of Theatre and Dance. Develop search strategies and learn to evaluate sources in this informative workshop!
11 a.m.
Join us for an exciting workshop where you'll explore the fascinating realm of text analysis, also known as "distant reading." Whether you're a beginner or looking to expand your skills, we’ll introduce you to a variety of powerful text analysis techniques and their real-world applications.You’ll learn how to preprocess text for analysis, discover key tools and platforms, and gain insights into common misconceptions and best practices.Get ready to uncover patterns, themes, and hidden insights from texts in ways you never imagined!
11 a.m.
Single subject (or single case) research is vital in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis, but it can be tricky to search by topic for articles which use this research design. Join this webinar to learn how to use specialized techniques in the University Libraries’ databases and find the research you need.
All Day Event
Provides support to aid in expenses associated with publication, reprints, article processing or open access charges, page charges, and subventions. Work must be accepted for publication or published in a refereed or other scholarly journal. Support can be used for open access, peer-reviewed publications listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals or for publication in subscription journals that allow some articles to become available openly based on a published fee schedule (sometimes known as hybrid open access).
12 a.m.
The Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs has provided for a second year of funds to award tenure-line faculty members funds to present their research and scholarship at professional regional or national meetings or to perform or exhibit creative works. This funding is designed to supplement travel funds provided by the faculty member's college and department and cannot be used as research funds. A maximum award of $500 is available per faculty member.
All Day Event
The Student Travel Program is available for currently enrolled students at either Ball State, Burris Laboratory School or Indiana Academy to present works at a professional meeting, or perform or exhibit creative works. The maximum award is $700 for graduate students and $300 for undergraduate/high school students. This competition is limited to invited presentations of papers, posters, creative works, or performances.
All Day Event
Sponsored by the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, these funds provide NTL faculty funding to support activities undertaken to advance their development as scholars, including, but not limited to, workshops or conference travel for excellence in teaching, scholarly presentations/performances, and/or for professional development.
2 p.m.
Can we trust Wikipedia? Can I cite a YouTube video? Is the paper I found on Academia.edu really legit? When anyone can edit a site or upload content, how do I know what information to trust? Join University Libraries for this workshop in which we will learn about evaluating popular online sources.
6:30 p.m.
Calendar: Graduate School
Three Minute Thesis logoThe top 10 finalists from the preliminary rounds will present their 3MT live in front of an audience!
1 p.m.
Register now to attend “Make Your Course Documents Accessible,” a virtual workshop hosted by the Division of Online and Strategic Learning. You’ll learn how to make your course readings, syllabus, handouts, slides, and more accessible to all students.
11 a.m.
Please join the University Libraries for a livestream presentation for Mac users on EndNote, a free citation management software. See how EndNote can help you format citations in your paper, dissertation or thesis. EndNote not only allows you to format citations in APA, MLA, Chicago, it also helps you organize and manage them.
5 p.m.
Calendar: Career Center
Critical thinking and teamwork are consistently ranked as two of the top skills employers look for in interns and new hires. In this highly interactive session, you will develop and utilize critical thinking strategies to solve a problem.
2 p.m.
Please join the University Libraries for a livestream presentation for PC users on EndNote, a free citation management software. See how EndNote can help you format citations in your paper, dissertation or thesis. EndNote not only allows you to format citations in APA, MLA, Chicago, it also helps you organize and manage them.
10 a.m.
In this hands-on workshop, participants will be introduced to OpenRefine, a powerful open-source tool for cleaning and transforming messy data. Attendees will learn how to efficiently explore, tidy, and organize datasets in preparation for analysis and visualization. Whether you’re working with inconsistent data or seeking to streamline your data preparation process, this session will equip you with essential skills and practical experience to make the most of this versatile platform. No prior experience with OpenRefine is required.
12 p.m.
Calendar: Career Center
How would you describe a leader? Join this interactive workshop to learn about defining leadership, leadership styles, and how you can enhance your own leadership skills.
12:30 p.m.
People talking at a table with laptopsAre you a recent graduate or current senior rethinking how your major aligns with your career goals? Join us for The Pivot Playbook: Embracing Careers Beyond Your Major - a dynamic and practical session designed to help you confidently navigate career transitions and unlock new possibilities.
3 p.m.
Join us to hear from a panel of faculty members about getting published as a graduate student. Our panel of experts will consist of Dr. Thalia Mulvihill (Educational Leadership), Dr. Laura O'Hara (Communication Studies), and Dr. Carolyn Shue (Communication Studies). They will cover writing advice, guidance for turning seminar papers into conference papers, the process for getting an article published in a journal and much more. A librarian from Bracken Library will share resources to help you identify outlets for publication of your work. Library resources will include Ulrichsweb, Web of Science, and other useful sources. Be sure to bring your questions.
5 p.m.
Calendar: Career Center
How would you describe a leader? Join this interactive workshop to learn about defining leadership, leadership styles, and how you can enhance your own leadership skills.
All Day Event
Provides support to aid in expenses associated with publication, reprints, article processing or open access charges, page charges, and subventions. Work must be accepted for publication or published in a refereed or other scholarly journal. Support can be used for open access, peer-reviewed publications listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals or for publication in subscription journals that allow some articles to become available openly based on a published fee schedule (sometimes known as hybrid open access).
All Day Event
The Student Travel Program is available for currently enrolled students at either Ball State, Burris Laboratory School or Indiana Academy to present works at a professional meeting, or perform or exhibit creative works. The maximum award is $700 for graduate students and $300 for undergraduate/high school students. This competition is limited to invited presentations of papers, posters, creative works, or performances.
All Day Event
Sponsored by the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, these funds provide NTL faculty funding to support activities undertaken to advance their development as scholars, including, but not limited to, workshops or conference travel for excellence in teaching, scholarly presentations/performances, and/or for professional development
12 p.m.
Calendar: Career Center
What does it mean to be professional? In this highly interactive workshop, you will learn about professional communication, judgment, dress, and organizational culture based on feedback from employers.
3 p.m.
This webinar from the University Libraries is aimed at the graduate student in Applied Behavior Analysis who wants to improve their searching skills beyond the basics. Join us and explore topics like getting the most out of a database thesaurus, best practices for searching effectively and efficiently on your topic, and how to save searches so you can repeat them later. Databases covered include APA PsycInfo, ERIC, and Web of Science.
All Day Event
For tenured and tenure-track faculty members looking to travel abroad for academic or creative activity Aspire offers the International Travel Program.
All Day Event
Faculty members and graduate students who plan to conduct psychology-based research projects may apply for the Aspire Joseph and Marcella Hollis Award Competition. Proposals from any department may be submitted as long as the research is psychology-based.
11 a.m.
Discover how to find company and industry information for assignments or investing purposes using subscription databases available to Ball State University students, faculty, and staff. Sources include articles and company, stock, and industry reports. Participants will learn about creating lists of company data as well as finding articles and reports. This workshop may be of interest to business students and faculty alike.
All Day Event
Calendar: Career Center
The Career Center is hosting Agrinovus for The Indiana Connection Experience!
3 p.m.
Discover how to find company and industry information for assignments or investing purposes using subscription databases available to Ball State University students, faculty, and staff. Sources include articles and company, stock, and industry reports. Participants will learn about creating lists of company data as well as finding articles and reports. This workshop may be of interest to business students and faculty alike.
11 a.m.
Please join the University Libraries for a livestream presentation for PC users on EndNote, a free citation management software. See how EndNote can help you format citations in your paper, dissertation or thesis. EndNote not only allows you to format citations in APA, MLA, Chicago, it also helps you organize and manage them.
1 p.m.
Please join the University Libraries for a livestream presentation for Mac users on EndNote, a free citation management software. See how EndNote can help you format citations in your paper, dissertation or thesis. EndNote not only allows you to format citations in APA, MLA, Chicago, it also helps you organize and manage them.
5 p.m.
Calendar: Career Center
What does it mean to be professional? In this highly interactive workshop, you will learn about professional communication, judgment, dress, and organizational culture based on feedback from employers.
12 a.m.
Provides support to aid in expenses associated with publication, reprints, article processing or open access charges, page charges, and subventions. Work must be accepted for publication or published in a refereed or other scholarly journal. Support can be used for open access, peer-reviewed publications listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals or for publication in subscription journals that allow some articles to become available openly based on a published fee schedule (sometimes known as hybrid open access).
All Day Event
The Student Travel Program is available for currently enrolled students at either Ball State, Burris Laboratory School or Indiana Academy to present works at a professional meeting, or perform or exhibit creative works. The maximum award is $700 for graduate students and $300 for undergraduate/high school students. This competition is limited to invited presentations of papers, posters, creative works, or performances.
All Day Event
The Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs has provided for a second year of funds to award tenure-line faculty members funds to present their research and scholarship at professional regional or national meetings or to perform or exhibit creative works. This funding is designed to supplement travel funds provided by the faculty member's college and department and cannot be used as research funds.
All Day Event
Sponsored by the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, these funds provide NTL faculty funding to support activities undertaken to advance their development as scholars, including, but not limited to, workshops or conference travel for excellence in teaching, scholarly presentations/performances, and/or for professional development.
All Day Event
Sponsored by the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, these funds provide NTL faculty funding to support activities undertaken to advance their development as scholars, including, but not limited to, workshops or conference travel for excellence in teaching, scholarly presentations/performances, and/or for professional development.
All Day Event
The Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs has provided for a second year of funds to award tenure-line faculty members funds to present their research and scholarship at professional regional or national meetings or to perform or exhibit creative works. This funding is designed to supplement travel funds provided by the faculty member's college and department and cannot be used as research funds.
All Day Event
Provides support to aid in expenses associated with publication, reprints, article processing or open access charges, page charges, and subventions. Work must be accepted for publication or published in a refereed or other scholarly journal. Support can be used for open access, peer-reviewed publications listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals or for publication in subscription journals that allow some articles to become available openly based on a published fee schedule (sometimes known as hybrid open access).
All Day Event
The Student Travel Program is available for currently enrolled students at either Ball State, Burris Laboratory School or Indiana Academy to present works at a professional meeting, or perform or exhibit creative works. The maximum award is $700 for graduate students and $300 for undergraduate/high school students. This competition is limited to invited presentations of papers, posters, creative works, or performances.
5 p.m.
two people talking at the Cardinal Networking Forum from 2024It's time to grow your network at one of our most popular events in the Indianapolis area!