Thursday, April 10, 2025
10 a.m.
This course will help you take back control of your day-to-day schedule by empowering you to focus on the priorities that matter the most to you.
10 a.m.
students in the atrium art galleryThe School of Art invites the public to attend as Master of Fine Arts degree candidates present their thesis exhibitions from March 25-April 11 in The Ned and Gloria Griner Art Gallery. Artwork being displayed is by Mary Vozenilek (ceramics), Anna Grabowski (glass), and Michelle Pokorny (glass). Reception is from 4 - 6 pm on April 3.
10 a.m.
Spring Print Sale PosterNeed some art for your room or some new stickers for your water bottle? Come to our Student Print Sale!
11 a.m.
Join us for an information session to explore the Center for Information and Communication Sciences (CICS) program, hear from faculty, and learn about the benefits of becoming part of our community.
1 p.m.
Join this session to explore Ball State's approach to ethics and artificial intelligence.
1 p.m.
Join us in BL 104 for our Student Recognition Day
1 p.m.
Ball State University Men's Tennis vs Northern Illinois University Location: Muncie, Ind.
5 p.m.
Poet, photographer, and scholar Kimberly Blaeser will be at Ball State for a reading, book signing, and Q+A (location TBA).
5:30 p.m.
Student RecitalOscar Joven is a piano student of Lori Rhoden. This event is free and open to the public.
6 p.m.
Join us in AT 183 for day 5 of the French Film Festival! (English subtitles)
7:30 p.m.
Student RecitalAlena Miskinis is a piano student of Ray Kilburn. This event is free and open to the public.