• To determine how to properly submit a payment, please download the Payment Submission Flowchart.
  • Non PO payment request forms can be used to request payments for specific payment types not covered by a purchase order, when a supplier invoice will not be provided or will be provided after-the-fact, or when a commitment was made to purchase goods/services prior to budget and departmental approval. For step-by-step instructions on how to enter Non PO payments, please read the following training document: Non PO Payment Request Form Instructions

  • All purchase orders with a total amount over $5,000.00 require receiving.  Please enter receiving for these orders as your items arrive. 
  • Invoices exceeding $2,500.00 and posted against a standing order require approval in SciQuest.  To learn how to take action on a standing order invoice requiring your approval, watch the following training video: Standing Order Invoice Approval (1:54)
  • The Office of Accounts Payable does not receive a notification if an invoice is attached to a catalog or non-catalog order in SciQuest.  Our preferred method of receiving invoices would be to email the invoice to apinvoices@bsu.edu.
  • The University does not typically prepay for goods and services; exceptions include certain custom products and contracts for performers which require deposits.   Prepayments for lodging for non-University affiliates (performers, speakers, etc.) are not allowed.  Lodging should either be reimbursed to the performer or paid directly to the hotel after the performance. 
  • In some cases, a vendor will not invoice under the same name as the purchase order.  The Office of Accounts Payable will determine (based on the W-9) to which name the payment should be remitted.  There may be times where a new purchase order must be created for the payment, due to the difference in vendor names, but this would only occur to ensure proper tax classification/filing and auditing purposes.
  • The Office of Accounts Payable will not pay from a contract unless the contract has been signed by the appropriate University personnel.  The payee MUST match the name on the signed contract.  The proper contract procedure should be followed at all times.  For further clarification, please visit Office of the General Counsel.
  • The Chrome River module should be used for all University-affiliated travel.  Travel payments for entities who are not students or employees should be processed through SciQuest.  Travel for non-University affiliates (i.e. candidates, speakers, donors, etc.) should follow University travel guidelines.

To learn how to view payment status of your purchase order through various methods, watch the following training video: Find Payment Status of PO. (1:42)

Check numbers in Banner Finance are identified as follows:

  • starting with a number is a paper check
  • starting with '!' is an ACH
  • starting with '^' is a wire transfer
  • starting with '@' is a single-use account payment (vendor paid with single-use credit card)
Marking a payment request in SciQuest with either ENCL (send enclosure with check) or HOLD (hold check in Accounts Payable) does not prevent the payment from being remitted via ACH if the payee has enrolled in ACH with our office. To see if a vendor is currently enrolled in ACH, enter the payee's BSUID in the Argos 'Direct Deposit Lookup - A/P and HR - By BSUID' report (FI>Accounts Payable>Public).
To see if a vendor is currently enrolled in ACH, enter the payee's BSUID in the Argos 'Direct Deposit Lookup - A/P and HR - By BSUID' report (FI>Accounts Payable>Public).
Copies of invoices can be viewed in BDM under B-F-DOCS - BANNER FINANCE PURCHASING/AP. Invoices produced via the Non PO Payment Request Form in SciQuest will not be visible in BDM, but these invoices will be visible in SciQuest as an attachment on the original requisition.
If a vendor does not populate when entering your request, please complete a Supplier Request in SciQuest. These forms are processed by Purchasing Services. Vendors are created based on the information the vendor has provided on a W-9 or W-8BEN. The Office of Accounts Payable will only make payments payable to the 'remit to' name on an invoice. The University requires a W-9 (for domestic vendors) or W-8BEN (for foreign vendors) from all new vendors to ensure proper tax classification/reporting. Please note that W-8BENs expire three years after the date of signature. Any questions regarding the Supplier Request or vendor set-up should be directed to Purchasing Services.