Turn your Ball State student ID card into a cash card by adding Cardinal Cash.  You can log on to your eBill account and follow these instructions to make a deposit to your Cardinal Cash Balance. The initial deposit must be at least $25. For more information, please review our Terms and Conditions (PDF).

If you are a Ball State Employee, please email CSGoldSupport@bsu.edu with your name and employee number so that we may activate your account and prepare it for a deposit. 

 Cardinal Cash is accepted at various locations on campus:

  • all Ball State dining locations
  • Ball State Bookstore in the Art and Journalism Building
  • Technology Store in Bracken Library
  • all events at Emens
  • sporting events at Scheumann Stadium and Worthen Arena
  • pharmacy in the Health Center
  • vending machines

Also, several Village establishments accept Cardinal Cash.

Brothers logoHot Box Pizza logo



Jimmy John's

Jacks Donuts

Roots Burger Bar logo

Yats Logo


Other Advantages

  • Convenience – Use your Ball State ID to access your Cardinal Cash account. Each time you use your account, the remaining balance will be noted.
  • Flexibility – Your Cardinal Cash account allows you to make a wide variety of necessary or unplanned last-minute purchases on Ball State's campus.
  • Security – Your Cardinal Cash account is safer than cash. If you lose your ID, report it to the Student Financial Services Office or University Dining, then no one can misuse your account.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. The Cardinal Cash account is free, with no finance or user fees.

Ball State University students, faculty, and staff who have a BSU ID are eligible to apply for a Cardinal Cash account.

No. You can only make deposits to your Cardinal Cash account. Ordinarily, requests for refunds may be made at the end of each term.

No. Your Cardinal Cash account does not earn any interest.

Each time you use your account, the remaining balance will be noted on your receipt. A statement of your Cardinal Cash activity is also available upon request through the Office of Student Financial Services.

A Cardinal Cash account can only be closed at the end of a semester. To close the account and request a refund, you may submit a Request To Close Cardinal Cash Account (PDF).

Refunds will first be applied to other amounts owed the university and a check for the balance will be mailed within 10 business days of when the account is closed.

No cash or partial refunds will be made.

A processing fee of the lesser of $10 or the account balance will be assessed for refunds.

You may make online ACH or credit card payments through your eBill account. (See directions) 

We also accept deposits (cash, check or money order) in person at Cardinal Central, or by mail with a note directing the payment to the student’s Cardinal Cash account.

Mail your deposit to:

Office of Student Financial Services
Lucina Room B34
Muncie, IN 47306-0725