two female students, reading together in a science lab

children dressed as fairies by Christy Woods

Reflecting the diversity of its departments, the College of Sciences and Humanities offers students and faculty a rich variety of opportunities to explore and present scholarship in each of its recognized forms: discovery, teaching, applications, and integration.

Centers and Institutes

Applied Anthropology Laboratories provide cultural resources management services, including archaeological site investigations and artifact analysis for public and private agencies. The laboratory’s research and services are provided by collaboration among faculty, students, and staff.

Aquatic Biology and Fisheries Center promotes applied research in aquatic sciences. The first of its kind in Indiana, the center serves as an important source of scientific expertise that is increasingly important in meeting the challenges for use and preservation of aquatic resources in Indiana.

Bowen Center for Public Affairs empowers people who want to participate in their communities, advancing the ideals of civic literacy, community involvement, and public service. The center provides networking, training, and research opportunities through its Bowen Institute on Political Participation, Institute for Public Service, and Institute for Policy Research.

Cardinal Academy of Digital Security and Education serves as a dedicated space for students to get real internship experience in the cybersecurity sector. Ball State students are employed by local partners – currently the Delaware County High Tech Crimes Unit and the Anderson University Center for Security Studies and Cyber Defense – to work on real cases and gain hands-on experience while still working on Ball State’s campus with hardware and software provided by CADSE. 

Center for Actuarial Science and Risk Management through research and education, students and industry collaborate to tackle real life problems in the actuarial science and insurance fields.

Center for Middletown Studies investigates the transformation of small and mid-sized cities from the advent of the industrial age to the advent of the digital age and examines aspects of social and cultural change in the United States.

Charles W. Brown Planetarium enhanced with capabilities for teaching, scholarship, and community outreach, state-of-the-art technology transforms the 52-foot dome into a simulation of the night sky as seen from Earth and from space.

Field Station and Environmental Education Center attempts to replicate Indiana’s natural environments in six diverse properties. Students and faculty use these properties to study ecological diversity and change in wetlands, forests, tall-grass prairies, and successional meadows.

Indiana Writing Project is a professional organization for teachers that seeks to improve the teaching of writing and support teacher leadership in schools. IWP achieves this mission through providing professional development, developing resources, generating research, and acting on knowledge. Indiana Writing Project is a local site of the National Writing Project and is connected to nearly 200 other sites across colleges and universities in the United States, including five sites in Indiana. 

Writing Center supports writing in the Ball State community by offering individualized feedback, workshops, class presentations, online resources, writing communities, and other approaches to support and enrichment of local writing.